Twinks, AI and Separate XPoff Queues

Level 40. And yea compared to vanilla it’s probably decent.

Indeed!, and usually crafting some cool items.

That doesn’t fit the “challenge” narrative being thrown around here.

Apparently it’s the norm for all new players to be healers who only run bgs with no gear.


I always thought gearing up and customizing our characters was one of the most fun things to do. :thinking:

Some folks make this out to be the wrong way to play.

My method for gearing toons without hierlooms is to spend the first 4-5 lvls replacing outdated gear via questing or dungeons then spending the next 3 queing bgs. Followed by a trip to the wsg vendor and arathi vendor at 28,38,48 etc to replace pieces with vendor gear.

Thats how I would go about it personally. The only real downside is no hierloom weapons means no consistent ele force enchants. Ele force on weapons alone is enough to make rogues a threat lol.

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Elemental Force is seeing a nerf next patch :frowning:

I saw, that’s good I look forward to playing around with other enchants like landslide and mongoose again.

Anyway this is the rogue I am currently lvling ( lvl 85 atm)
h ttps://

with double landslide proc tirnket proc and on use tirnket my ap is around 1200ish. which is not bad considering I only have 4 slots with gear that have sockets which have the 4 agi gems from the thrallmar vendor.

I didn’t que any bgs 1-60 because its a net loss xp wise I am not going to go in on how I level toons these days I don’t want it nerfed. But I am pretty confident Icould hold my own with this toon against 80,85 and 87 twinks.

Edit- no idea why my ss quality is this bad sorry lol

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When I first started I did a lot of that. Wsg and ab gear (the awesome outriders bow) helped me a lot gearing up before I ever had heirlooms.

My experience with early playing (when twinks were around pre-xp in bgs) was a lot like that. New player, crafting gear, lots of quests, wsg and ab items (dem speed boost boots), etc.

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Choosing this age old path to glory still pays off in exactly the same way.

not when people are telling levelers to go gear themselves at the AH every bracket.

All that needs to be done is staying active, and utilizing all of your options as you level.
Dungeons, Questing, Crafting, PVP vendors etc.
Everything else will come with those actions in this game.

Between drops and gold earned the slots will be easily filled with BOEs if they are needed.

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Just got out of a TP, where someone was called a twink on the Alliance side: go ahead and look him up on the armory… though it is bugged and doesn’t show the right level

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What they are going to say is that this is an “exception” to the “rule” to discount it. Levelers cannot possibly compete with twinks :roll_eyes:

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How many twinks were in that BG? What were the stipulations surrounding the conclusion?

Lots of needed information here considering this is not coming form a credible source. I’ve seen monkeyshines like this before. A guy in another MMO bragged because he got a XP chain over 500 with no healer in the group in order to try and pad his comments. It turned out, there was a group outside power leveling him.

Just like that linked ss from the 70-79 bracket.
The SV hunter “Leveler” did great.

Battlegrounds are very organic, which creates so many variables.
Each bracket has it’s own issues for sure, focusing on these things that we would like to see changed is much better use of our time IMO.

http s://imgur. com/uLw9ACH

says a lot.

Aside from the leveler that was assumed to be a twink? Technically, there is only 1 person in that BG that looks like they have their XP turned off (the horde shaman healer). However, I would like to make some additional observations:

The teams look like they were pretty well balanced on paper. Both sides had only 1 healer, everyone else was dps. There are also 4 people that have gear with enchants on them (namely BoAs but some have gloves and wrists with enchants and stuff too) 2 alliance and 2 horde.

Although alliance lost, the highest damaging player, by a sizable margin, was from the alliance that doesn’t even have enchants on his gear. The highest healing player, again by a significant margin, was also alliance that doesn’t have enchants on their gear (even beating the twink healer).

Was it that the leveler was farming the GY with the druid healbotting them? :thinking:


Do you know this for sure or are you drawing your hypothesis? If you’re drawing, it’s rather difficult to do utilizing a non-credible sample.

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8.1.5 coming soon.
The lower brackets appreciate the adjustments. :smiley:

Enjoy BFA.

Just going off of what is seen in the image and what can be looked up in the armory.

Side note - I think its hilarious you’re trying to say someone is non-credible when you have been caught manipulating the “like” system :rofl: