Twinking/BGS/brackets feedback

Lol spot on . I’ve seen this on mages alot

One tries to solo a group,gets run over blames team says we suck

Mind you we flag capped


Funniest thing I’ve seen in this thread :joy::joy::joy::joy: you know how many twinks I saw whinning and crying and slinging blame anywhere but themselves pre seperation. Twinks are no different than anyone else, just need a gear crutch to play is all.

i once had a mage complain we suck when we had a 400 point lead in silvershard mines and he typed it so fast and afked right after moral of story we won and people are special


I remember this post, same agenda.
You liked yourself x3 on this current post just like the 5+? on that old one.

Back on subject.

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There’s asshats in every crowd. Can’t be denied, can’t be helped. There’s a lot of us though that are happy to help out anyone that asks. Want to know where I got gear? I’ll tell you. Want to know where the enchants come from? I’ll show you. Want to know how to play objectives better? I’ll explain. Want to ask questions about the class/spec I play? I’m happy to answer.

This game revolves around gear and skill. If it didn’t, 3/4 of the threads on this board about gearing and gearing problems wouldn’t exist. We’d all be playing shooter style - nekkid. :wink:


Remove gear and we have a glorified Street Fighter.


100% which is why I thought it was kinda funny the guy was proclaiming twinks as these awesome people. They’re identical to litteraly every other group I’ve played with. Good and bad.

Eh this is debatable… I’ve seen numerous twinks completely ignore objectives as much as normal pops. Just racking up those kills when and where they can.

Eh… PvP should be about skill. This style of PvP is unique and awesome (most of the time). What makes it awesome isn’t crazy gear disparities. It’s unique classes and abilities. Cool battlegrounds with fun objectives. I’ve never played this game to outgear other people and stomp them.

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Then you have not been playing to win.

Only devils without a cause would find bracket splitting blame-worthy. The true twinks are actually happy for the xp introduced into PvP. They gear up at the bracket start > roll for a whole bracket happy that far more people are joining PvP because they want levels > get a lot of honor while mastering their PvP skill > ding into next bracket > gear up > rinse and repeat

Where I relate to is that I would like to be able to master my PvP skill at the certain bracket for a prolonged period of time. I do not want max level, where I have gazillion abilities to rotate. I am fine with having my superior gear downscaled to average values like proposed here:

Is there anything wrong with that? To want to master my few abilities rotation in PvP environment to near automatic perfection, without having any gear advantage? And not necessarily nekkid. Just the same. Because 3/4 of anti-twink complaints are about gear too. But remove the gear advantages, and I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

How can we take you seriously when you have liked yourself numerous times on posts you have made.
This thread and the old one. :man_shrugging:

Come on now.

Makes litteraly no sense. I play to max, cap my character and play against others of equal gear (and eventually skill).

Again, gearing isn’t why I PvP. If I cared about gear I’d go pve. I play to get the strata/objectives right, learn and master my class and learn how to play vs other classes.

Sounds like you need to go pve.


I would agree with you when it’s rng gear (IE corruptions). There is no skill involved with proccing an over-tuned corruption and laying waste to someone. What I don’t agree with is gear that is readily available to all. The difference is effort. I put the effort in, ran DMW five times for the best trinket. Did you? If not, why didn’t you? Too lazy? Want those that do put in the effort to carry you? You see what I mean here.

No doubt. I’ve seen them myself. They fall into the asshats in every crowd catagory. However, we all are definitely not like this. Just like not all levelers are slackers that want to be carried. Some do try and gear up.

There’s nothing wrong with learning. Ever. Learning makes the world go 'round, whether it’s the real world or the virtual one.

That will never happen. Gear makes the MMO. Gear is the carrot on the stick that keeps players playing. Gear partially makes up for the imba nature of classes/specs (when devs absolutely can’t be relied on to balance anything).

100% it’s why I am not a fan of max lvl PvP right now and want anything from tbc-wod.

Eh this is where I disagree. This a thing with pve gear in PvP at max right now. Should I commit 4 hours a week to get the drestegath trinket for PvP? No. My advantage comes from my mastery of my class and my knowledge on how to best you. My instinct on pre walling a kidney shot.

Not spending endless hours doing irrelevant content to what I like to do simply for a non skill advantage. It’s not what PvP is about for me.

I don’t think seperation was the answer. Korraks style scaling or legion type scaling would have been better.

Never said you guys were. You’re identical to anyone else personality wise is what I’m saying.

There are a lot of dumb and awesome people in each group.

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This, folks, is exactly why why twinks queues were separated.

Who said anything about removal of gear? Just stats template it inside PvP Instances to root out 80% of complaints. The remaining 20% twink community can address and deal with. Gear advantage is the elephant in the room that caused the separation.

Understand this. Your gear is useless if you cannot use it. And you cannot use it, because you cannot join the main pool. And you cannot join the main pool because your vastly superior gear made you imbalanced. And being imbalanced caused you to get booted off the main pool. And when you cannot join the main pool you cannot use your gear there. And if you cannot use your gear, your gear is useless.

Your gear adds 0% value PvP-wise when your xp is off. Name 1 reason why your gear is useful from a PvP perspective. I’m waiting.

This, so much this. I loved Stats Templates, they were a perfect solution to this requirement of just wanting to hone the PvP skill without having to grind for hours, or rotate 30 abilities running out of action bars to place them onto. Just ole style vanilla, minus 1 shots plus skill as a major decisive factor. And classic is not the answer, because grind.

No problem at all. Keep your OP gear. Join the xp on PvP Instance with your OP gear without having it downscaled. But the price is your levelling. Yet your requirement is catered to. Please go ahead and stomp at your convenience. Until you level out. Unless you’re willing to pay:

The requirement I am yet to see catered to, is for those who farm the best gear, but are willing to downscale their gear in order to hone their PvP skills for an extended period of time at a certain bracket level. They are simply deprived of that opportunity, even though they are willing to subject to gear stats template equalisation.

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You do know that Blizz conditioned play and players to be this way, yes? BGs never had exp. It was all about the pvp and gearing for pvp. Purely. Later - Behsten and Slahtz didn’t appear because players put them there.

The game is currently set up the same way. Now it’s corruptions on gear instead of actual gear value. Those that pursue corruptions are your new twinks. And it’s encouraged. Set up as ‘the thing to do’. My point is, it’s a very old ploy with the same old result, and it’s ongoing.

This remains for the 20-29 bracket and the 110-119 bracket…and 120’s now courtesy of corruptions.

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Yet they are most helpful bunch

While the the levelers were charging gold for mythic runs ( nothing wrong)

The evil twinks were taking groups of 5-6 every reset for free

Advised on mini max

Advised on stats

Did runs for fun to help the community ( like war games, offered to be target dummies to test out wierd specs)

Many were Mythic raiders who also advised on how to clear new content ( Skip’s that are not spoken about)

Some were high level arena players ( also gave some hot tips they don’t share on their streams)

I found they were for the most part giving very intelligent people

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No they weren’t man. I can’t tell you how many I saw ignore objectives or tell people to shut the * up.

They’re an identical community to any other. I’ve met awesome and lame pvers and pvpers. Hell awesome and lame rpers. Real life or online.

People will be people. I assure you the twinks community is exactly the same as any other

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Well if that is what was conditioned, it is not working. Time and effort of gearing for PvP versus returns (joy, HK, Statistics?) ratio is largely not in a favor of returns. Spending maybe 20 days decking out to have 2 days of fun until you ding into next bracket and have to spend 20 days to re-gear for 2 days of fun again is just a very unfeasible use of time and effort to me, don’t you think?

Hence the suggestion of downscaling the gear, but only for the xp off players. The xp on players are welcome to grind for 20 days to have their 2 days of fun, godspeed to them. But that definitely sounds like something different to what I’d do. Something that I’d do would be like:

  1. Would I play in PvP Instance with downscaled gear at low level vanilla bracket (e.g. 40-49) for an extended period of time?

Yes, its not like I didn’t have my gear downscaled in PvE Timewalking Dungeon to make it fair to a weaker enemies, and I was very happy with the outcome and would like the same downscaling applied in PvP if I’m xp off to match levelers ilevel. And can’t the corruption be downscaled?

  1. Would I pay $2 / 12 000 Gold as an xp off character to play in an xp on PvP Instance?

Yes, done that before with a strong carry in another game, was very happy with the outcome, would pay every now and then when I just want to stomp, but most of the time I want to hone the PvP skill like Finchibald does while wearing the equal gear ilevel to my PvE or PvP opponents.

  1. Would I be willing to meet minimum ilevel to join a PvP instance or be denied the entry like I was denied entry to Cataclysm Dungeons at level 80 or LFR at level 110?

Yes, makes perfect sense to have a right minimum entry ilevel for the right adventure. Thankfully most PvE bosses do not use Blizzard forums to complain about OP players gear. But I’m sure Timewalking ones understandably would have if downscaling wasn’t in place! :smiley:

Now you want to argue my personal experience with them lol , that’s rich

Maybe it was a social problem on your end friend