Twink Discussion

forgot what patch changed that :frowning:

My favourite brackets are the first 3.
10-19: warrior with fiery weapon and spamming hamstring.
20-29: rogue with Toxic Revenger.
30-39: warrior with Whirlwind Axe.

Thinking about it makes me happy. ~_~

19 was always my favorite. Rogue was pretty easy to gear if you weren’t going for full BiS. Assassin’s blade was just so expensive.

19 or 29 is what I recommend, less abilities is more fun IMO when twinking.

Dont matter blizz will ruin twink fun when they separate them again.

I’ll probably mainly deal with 20-29 and 30-39. Anything above just takes enough effort that I’ll probably want to go all the way to 60.

I may make a few 19’s since it’s less time invested.

This was how I felt about twinking. I feel the 19 bracket has too small of a kit for some classes, imo.

39 was always my favorite bracket! Felt the most balanced to me, although I didn’t spend too much time in the 29 bracket. I enjoyed the community very much so in the Reckoning Battlegroup back in the day as well!
