Twink advantage is broken

Aw you don’t have to be so sensitive, I got too passionate about making a point that I don’t tolerate seclusion that OP in that thread proposed. I live to see the line between twinks and non-twinks blurred and eventually eliminated completely, while OP seeks to redraw it bright and clear. But I’d totally could live with our correspondence ending if a satisfactory solution catering to my requirements was implemented. But something tells me the titans will give in to majority as both twink leaders and non-twink qqers want the same thing, and here I am stuck with my so far non-challenged suggestion between rock and a hard place. Lucky me


A little bird has told us differently.

Enjoy BFA. :wink:

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I like this because your change would have no effect on on me, and little on the bracket. Heirloom ilvls cap at 114 at level 89. BiS gear generally is of lower ilvl :grin:


How about we set a minimum ilevel that must be met in order for you to participate within instanced PvP?
This way levelers will have a choice:

They can obtain the gear with ilevels appropriate to their level thereby helping their chances of survival. I realize most of them are lazy and this would be unbearable for some. It would be a dull pain for us.

Or they can choose another route besides leveling in bg’s, perhaps pet battles or mining, since neither of those award gear that they would wear either. This would be painless for us and since you still get to level, painless for levelers as well.

You see, we twinks would prefer players coming into a PvP environment who actually want to PvP. In case you didn’t realize, PvP stands for Player vs player, not " permanent virtual path "which apparently most levelers think is their birthright since the 7.3.5 experience nerf.


Welfarê, A very similar fix to what you have suggested has been tried before during WoD as this post highlighted: Twink advantage is broken - #99 by Tarjana-amanthul Everyone’s gear inside a battleground was scaled up to a same baseline. I loved it with the bottom of my heart, as legacy items became viable again. Having a lot of them it was immensely fun to use them again, just like old times. Basically this:

Being the worst PvE expansion, WoD inadvertently became the best PvP one due to this brilliant baseline gear scaling inside PvP Instances. 1-shots, or even 3-shots were eliminated. It was the closest to balanced PvP in a whole history of WoW, and all because gear disparity was at the lowest point in all history of WoW. But WoD ended. In legion, all of the legacy procs were disabled. Maybe what you are suggesting will bring that balance back. It is true that undergeared players will miss out on some PvP fun. But guess what, being undergeared in a PvP only means that they will be on a receiving end. And then they go to forums and complain that PvP is imbalanced. How is that even dungeons, let alone raids, have a gear level entry requirement, but PvP Instances do not, is still beyond me. One thing I know for sure: endlessly tweaking classes balance is fighting windmills, because no matter the class balance tweaks if someone shows undergeared with all the class balance tweaks in their favor, they will still lose.


Well be empathetic OP.

Imagine being a veteran and losing to some newbie hot shot who just picked up the game. That would be humiliating. Gear disparity ensures skill (or lack-thereof) is not an issue.

Valarien-area-52 surely a “veteran” would have skill to help them if not win against a newbie hot shot, but at least hold their ground?

And what stops a newbie hot shot to deck out in top gear and own a veteran in average gear anyway?


Sometimes people are just gifted at certain things. I’m not in my prime anymore, there are younger people that can run circles around me with their reflexes and natural talent.

I could play a FPS for years and get better slowly. Someone else could pick up the game and be crazy good in a week.

Investment, time. Those two don’t equate to skill though.

My thoughts exactly. Most FPS does not have gear problem. Its just skill. That’s why noone in their right mind there suggests splitting players into separate brackets. Because based on what woud you split them? Now compare it with WoW. I hope we aren’t argue that having class specific PvP queues would be moronic, are we? Paladin only queues anyone? Class/Spec advantage would be nullified there, yes?

Then why is suggestion about splitting xp off people who are 70% about gear advantage has more likes than any one of us fingers and toes combined, unless you’re from chernobyl? Entombing the problem and hope it goes away is just as idiotic as class specific PvP queues. The gear disparity problem won’t go away. But what it will do is get bigger and worse with every year. Suggestion to squish iL inside PvP Instances would cull the very incentive the maniacs among twinks who join normal PvP Instances and roflstomp lemmings who spend 3 times longer qqing on forums after they have been gy farmed than actually gearing to prevent being gy farmed.


Screenshot of my enchanted BoAs ( no weapon enchants ) outdamaging at least a twink Rogue. Oh, nvm it’s not possible to output more damage than a twink :rofl:

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Na its okay your a twink because your >top dmg< /insert sarcasm btw

Perfect then I take it you would have no issues with an iL cap for xp-off people inside PvP Instances? Since that iL cap won’t affect your enchanted BoAs in any way


Best in slot in the 80s bracket isn’t the highest item level, so it would change nothing in this instance. Outside of class balance and a few gimmicky items, PvP pre-120 is fine.

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Then what are those?


a lightforge with greens no looms and missing a lot of slots

Those are people throwing out bad information on alts. Ignorance runs rampant in these here parts.

Well guess what, I don’t know about second lightforged one, but I see 109 toons first one listed every day. They just run rampant slaughtering everyone, and gear iL is a paramount factor here.
https : / / imgur . com / 3vho1IZ
Ignorance is not acknoledging the gear factor above all else. Balance the gear inside PvP Instance and a class/spec issue get resolved faster than rocket boots.


Guess you didn’t play legion low lvl pvp then >remembers disc/survival hunters and a few others<

Yeah, sorry. I’m not attempting to fix that link you posted. But if you’re talking about your personal character, your AH greens that weren’t competitive at any point during Legion probably won’t be now either. Item level plays a larger role in two of eleven brackets, sure. But this goes back to the whole argument of not having complete garbage gear to being with.


Well I don’t know how to make images work. When I try to post exactly same link as another poster does,

it gives me error that I can’t post images. I probably need to have 6000 posts to have that privilege :smiley:

Exactly. Which is why I’m not justifying scrubs who show up grossly undergeared and then qq on forums that people bothered to gear dominate them, and that is why I’m open to this suggestion

However this suggestion still will not fix the advantage that certain gear grants. Xp-off scrublords who have top gear will still dominate Instanced PvP, even with minimum iL requirements introduced. Hence the need for an additional measure of gear downscaling for xp-off players inside PvP Instance like suggested here:

When those two are implemented, the gear disparity in the casual Instanced PvP will be a non-existant problem of the past, and actual player skill will become the key factor that determines the win or loss.