Twin warglaives of azzinoth drop rate

Hi been farming since like 6 weeks the weaapons illidan have but still no luck. Is there like a trick or something because almost every dh i see have them but still i beeen farming and they have not drop any advice thanks in advance also i been farming with a warr too

you wait for them to drop, then you get them. That’s the only trick.


The trick is running it every week.

6 weeks is a drop in the bucket my dude, probably quite a few rogues here put in years and years for those glaives, cus they thought they too were Demon Hunters! :rofl:


Does getting them on another character count for the TW achievement though? That could be why.

I got them both within the first two lockouts after demon hunter came out, but I still haven’t done Illidan in timewalking so I guess RIP me.


I swear DHs have some secret luck in getting them. I farmed them on my rogue for quite some time and never got them, but as soon as I tried on my DH I got them in 2 weeks. 1 each week.

It was up last week…RIP. Illidan is easy too. It took me 3 months to get the warglaives, 6 weeks is nothing.

Oddly enough, I had the exact same thing happen with my DH. Ran it the first week, got the right one. Went there next reset and got the left.

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They dropped on my mage which I cant equip and another character that I cant equip them on lmao, ive given up

^ very much this.

you just need to unlock the warglaive feat first.


Only counts if that char can use them.

IE: Rogue,DH,War, DK, Monk

Lol did not knew that thanks everyone ill keep farming with my dh and warr thanks

It’s a 100% drop rate, but only if you’re prepared enough first. If you aren’t ready it’s 0%.


One crazy idea I’ve had for farming the warglaives was to have one wow account be nothing but demons hunters. 50 of them then you get 50 chances per week.
Demon hunters are pretty easy to level and still start at around 100ish
I think there is a limit to how many you can create a day I think it might be one a day something like that I haven’t tried in a while but hey its a thought. Also I think it maybe one per server still as well and another thing I just remembered is u need a level 70 character on the server that can be pretty easy met with leveling a deathknight though.

trick is to start farming them in WoD because you had nothing to do back then in garrison.


6 weeks? Lol… that’s cute. Come back again when you reach 6 years.


Their drop rate isn’t actually that bad compared to other old legos. Try going for Tusks.

Yeah, i got them in 2 weeks on my DH.