WHYYYYY! Bruh why I don’t want to buy this with IRL money
WHYYYYY! Bruh why I don’t want to buy this with IRL money
Use gold, buy tokens, then purchase with Blizzard balance.
Also, heed Wowhead’s own words:
“Remember that this is datamined and not necessarily final.”
But that’s not the problem though, I don’t want to spend real life money. I can afford it, but I don’t want to buy it.
Yeah, anything in the Blizz shop is a bit of a moot point. You can literally grind your flavor pocket weekly quest to buy crests on Diablo Immortal. There’s no pay2mog here >:)
Whyyyy would anyone consider WoWhead datamined info accurate enough to make a thread about? The article even has a disclaimer that it may not be correct.
I guess no lessons were learned with the wolf
so then dont? ill be buying it. i love this set.
Maybe it’ll be bundled with extra tenders so you can get the Sky Witch when it shows up.
They should have been in traders post for 1,000 tenders for all 3 sets.
Datamined just means it’s found, doesn’t mean it’s actually going to put inside the game.
Blizzard has already done things like this by adding recruit a friend mounts to the shop and the tyraels charger. People paid actual money for these.
Not to also mention the feldrake and the other TCG mounts by twitch drops that people paid money for.
None of this should be a surprised anymore. They are desperate for subs but won’t change their actual game to bring in new players for the long term.
mmm… they sound like money get that half of fashion in shop i am disgusted rn
oh huh I called it, but I still want that blue version too!
We, as a community, just finished getting OUTRAGED!!1! over datamining that ended up being nothing.
Can we, as a community, ever learn?
Then don’t; it’ll show up in the Trading Post after a few months to years.
Never ever.
We’ll see what happens when they finally release it. If it is a shop item…well…won’t be the first time I’ve bought a shop transmog. And I WILL complete my Sailor Pluto Transmog
Hey remember when like 5 minutes ago they datamined the aotc mount as a trading post reward
Yea, I’ll be taking this one with a grain of salt.
Sucks if it turns out to be true though.
Here’s your blood elf in style
i’m pretty sure it will be in the trading post eventually, just don’t buy it and wait patiently until then.
Blizzard is just a company and they are trying to make money just like any other company, this is not some game changing mechanic it is just a product for your transmog option and it won’t even matter after getting it.
just saying the original suit is the pink one wish is a reward from completing the travel log for February.
like, sorry, i get it you are up set because you don’t have the money or maybe you do but don’t want to spend it.
but don’t forget Blizzard is a COMPANY they sell product to keep the company going and to pay their employees, sure they make more money just bringing in more games but this is still additional money.
again, this most likely will eventually be sold in the trading post, just don’t buy it if you don’t feel ok with the idea of spending IRL money.
I guess it was kind of expected.
Maybe you wont, but I will!