Tweet failed to send to Twitter

Tried to link my account to a new twitter, but when trying to upload an image to twitter I receive the error “tweet failed to send to Twitter.” Uploading text works 100% of the time, but never a screenshot.

  • Tried uninstalling all Addons
  • No firewall software in use
  • Text works if I hit the “remove screenshot” button

Any ideas?

I am having the same problem.

Same here, it can take up to 5 attempts for a tweet from wow to be sent.

Hey, all!

We are seeing more reports on this. Please try the following to see if it works.

Delete the Utils folder:

  1. In the Blizzard desktop app click on Options
  2. Click Show in Explorer
  3. Open the World of Warcraft folder
  4. Find the Utils folder and delete it
  5. Run the Scan and Repair

Please give me the details on if this helps or not, or if anything changed.


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Hi Ibaraius!
Thank you for replying, I didn’t actually think I’d get any help!!

I did as you asked just now, and unfortunately it did not work.
Yesterday, I also did a complete uninstall and reinstall through the launcher.
The Customer Support agent I talked to on the phone seemed to think it was a AVG Browser Bar that somehow got installed on my system with Everquest, but I removed it and the problem still persists.

I’m also contemplating doing a full wipe of Windows - but I would like to hear if you have any other suggestions before I go through all that mess.

Having the same issue and did all the suggested above and still get the error.

I’m getting the same thing. I don’t have a Utils folder in the main WoW folder. I’m running the scan and repair right now. I’m actually glad to see I’m not the only one having this problem lol

EDIT: I got it to work. I ran the scan and repair and it had an update. The update seems to have fixed it. I was able to send a screen shot to Twitter. Thanks Bliz.

I am also having this issue.

I’ve done all of the troubleshooting to no avail.

I also attempted this fix but I do not have the Utils folder that it asks to delete. I ran the scan and repair, but still am unable to tweet gear, toys, mounts or screenshots. Achievements are still tweeting fine.

I’ll keep an eye on this thread to see what else can be done.

Having the same issue, which is sad because I used this all the time :\

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I had the issue again earlier. I had to do a scan and repair to fix it. Once I ran the repair, it downloaded a hotfix. It then worked.

I have tried this and, sadly, it did not work for me. I deleted the UTIL folder, ran the scan and repair (which did indeed scan and download something, took maybe 15 minutes?) and then logged in to try taking a screenshot, only to have it fail.

For me, at least, this problem is intermittent. Every so often I’ll be able to send something to twitter, then 10 minutes later (without logging or anything) it starts failing to send.

https:// i. imgur. com /tJ Vx32t. png (you’ll need to remove all the spaces, of course!)

I have also tried logging in with a clean UI (removed addons, cache, wtf) and got the same failed-to-send message.

Added later: I’ve now attempted the scan and repair a second time, this time also deleting the cache folder and restarting my computer before trying it out. Still got “tweet failed to send to twitter” :frowning:

After doing all the recommended things it finally fixed the issue with me. It took two different times for me to fix this.

I tried all the steps above and nothing. I can post text messages but no screenshots.

Hey…so…still not workin’

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Well, I’m outta ideas, even used another computer and it still fails, I’ve signed in and out of Twitter multiple times in game, deleted all WTF files and all that, repaired the game multiple times, nothing seems to be working.

Been literal months now, still not fixed, text tweets send no problem but if there’s a screenshot attached the tweet fails to send right away in game :\

Maybe it’s account related somehow? Tried it on another computer and same thing, can’t tweet screenshots but can tweet text

Still not fixed…


This is another user’s thread, and we try to avoid providing support for multiple players through a single thread like this to keep the issues from becoming confusing. Since this has been happening so long for you, I highly recommend submitting a ticket. I’d also test on another network if possible (such as your phone’s 4g connection) - whether or not this works is going to be important information to help us diagnose the issue.

Alrighty so I tried using my phone’s internet via tethering and failed to send and I tried using my neighbor’s wifi (They gave me the password don’t worry haha) and it failed to send


Hey there Panhu,

If the issue is happening on multiple devices and networks, the problem is likely related to account settings or syncing. To that end lets try the following:

  1. Open the in-game interface options menu

  2. In the Social menu, disconnect the Twitter account and relink it

If it’s still not working after that, please check the user settings on the Twitter account or test with a different Twitter account temporarily.

Beyond that it may be ideal to contact support directly and open a ticket request.