Tw gear from bt cant be catalyzed

title says it all. i get not doing that for dungeon gear, but the raid gear is champ lvl, as is the hero track box. i got a hero track chest. while getting a hero tier chest from vault isnt that big an ask, seems silly u cant catalyze these

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It’s weird cause my wife could catalyze her champ pants she got in there but I couldn’t catalyze my hero helm I got from the raid quest reward.

I put a bug report in to be on the safe side. I’m gonna let it sit in my bag for awhile and hope.

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It seems to be specifically the reward from the quest, the hero track stuff, that isn’t working with the catalyst. It was the same deal for me. I was lucky enough to get two drops from the raid itself and both of those could be catalyzed, but the item I got from the box didn’t show up in the list.

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The wierd thing I got some Explorer boots from the weekly loam Rep quest that can be catalyzed to current tier (can consume a charge)

Seems to be hit or miss.
I can do the hero pants.

I believe someone had said if you got the item before the hot fix you’re out of luck.

Turns out tossing aside an intern or two to work on season 4 wasn’t the best idea.