TW Firelands is a perfect chance for Tarecgosa staff to be made moggable

Would be nice if they brought back old legendaries as mogged weapons, and since Tarecgosa staff took place in firelands it’s perfect. Completing TW Ulduar should also have allowed the Ulduar legendary mace to be mogged.


No reason to even include Time Walking as far as transmogs go. The legendary weapons should already be transmoggable.


As far as the staff goes, I would be happy if I could get that mount without equipping the staff.


I support this 100%

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This is the correct answer. The staff transmog is whatever, the mount is awesome, and should be able to be used without equipping the staff.


This is the wrong answer the staff mog is awesome, the mount is just another mount.

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I still use the transformation whenever I’m flying then switch back weapons on shaman, I love it. It’s even better looking then the 15th anniversary deathwing mount I personally think, due to the beautiful effects and bright colors and tiny details.

The “mount” should be added to your mount collection for all characters to use if you have unlocked it.


I have 3 rogues that have both warglaives. I have unlocked those warglaives for my demon hunter. I should have a last step that will allow me to use those warglaives as transmog on any eligible character that has both.

I don’t have it but I think all legendaries and their cosmetic effects should be moggable. Kinda lazy it hasn’t been implemented yet

Seriously. I’ve been waiting for Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury to be moggable forever for my hunter.

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Aren’t the warglaives the only mogable legendaries? And I guess sulfuras to a lesser extent because of the reskin from Cata that’s an epic.

I’d be fine with letting us mog legendary weapons. I mean we did all that work just to have it rot in a bank?


Rogues can technically mog Thunderfury too, via the Legion weapon skin.*&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto&downsize=360:*

Shadowmourne has a similar case to Sulfuras, in that the ‘upgradable’ epic-quality variant is transmoggable.

But it’s not as flashy. Though you are right.

Agreed 100%

Blizzards reason - We want them to remain Iconic.

So having a reskinned Sulfuras, a toy thunderfury, different variations of thunderfury (outlaw artifact skin) and that Demon hunters can mog illidan’s glaives? Ya really making them feel iconic.

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I agree… I mean each legendary sitting in my bank feels really iconic!

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You don’t need the staff equipped after you have cast the Flight Form. My Priest’s Macro is

/equip Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
/use Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
/equip (current weapon)

Click it twice, quickly, and you’ll equip Tarecgosa’s Staff, then before the Dragon is cast you see your BfA weapon equipped.

I would love Tarecgosa to be added to my mounts so my other characters can use it.

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