TW bug that gives the wrong ilevel

Customer Service told me to post on here about the bug and hope that Dev would do something about it. I got a crappy 457 ilevel bracers out of it.

I was told to do the same. I got a 431il trinket from season2, wrong IL. Does posting actually fix the issue?

Those of us who turned in before seeing the big “DONT TURN IN” posts got junk from it. Now, will they compensate us for their own mistakes? Who knows.

They’re not going to do it tonight. They said they’ve fixed the bug for chests yet to be rewarded/opened.
Check back after tomorrow’s reset, maybe they’ll have made a decision about it those who already opened theirs, by then.

They haven’t, though. A guildie just got the quest a couple hours ago, just opened his chest now, and got something like a 405. It isn’t fixed.

That’s unfortunate. I haven’t turned my quest in yet, I was going to wait a few days.
I may even abandon it altogether and redo the TW just to be safe.

I really hope they give us the item we got but at the proper ilvl, because I got an amazing trinket I would bet my first born I’ll never see again.

Hi, I was told to post here in regards to receiving an incorrect ilvl item from the timewalking cache! Any support would be appreciated Blizz! <3