TW Badge Daylight Toy Needs a Buff

This isn’t “every toy needs the same cooldown”. This is “two toys that provide similar effects should have the same cooldown”.


Yes,that is your opinion. My opinion is they don’t need to.

Why is it your opinion that these two toys, and these two toys alone, should not have the same amount of cooldown time? What does it impact you if they change the daylight toy to match the night time toy? How does that negatively change the game for you? This is something that could help other people and you’re acting like someone kicked over your cheerios.


Well your opinion is baseless and stupid.


My opinion isn’t that. My opinion is that it doesn’t matter what toys we are talking about - they don’t need to have the same cooldowns. They are gained in different manners - one is RNG and one is vendor purchase - why isn’t there a complaint about that. Why aren’t people complaining they aren’t obtainined in the same manner.

Actually sort of reminds me of this thread.

What is wrong with things being a little different.

But we’re not talking about just any toys. The discussion is limited to two specific toys that provide similar effects. So again, what is your opinion on these two specific toys and why they should have such vastly different cooldowns.

I found a thread with people complaining about how the day time toy is acquired and how excessive the cooldown is on it.

And even then, why does that matter as to the discussion about cooldowns? Do people have to list all of their complaints every time they post about something?

Because things aren’t a “little” different. They’re a lot different for no good reason. I mean, your example alone is a great example on how poorly balanced professions are. There’s a 9k ore difference between the two crafted items. That’s absurd.


I’m assuming at this point that you have an actual untreated personality disorder and are incapable of understanding basic ideas. I’m very sorry for your issues and am going to stop responding to your nonsense.


Hypocrite? You’re the one that called them a liar. Then when your insensitive, snarky rant, where you were judging everyone and refusing to see their side fell apart, you resorted to “well I have vision issues too.” As if somehow bringing that up would make everything you said okay. Well it doesn’t. And you were called out. Time and time again. But you still cling to this hill you seem to want to die on.

And yes, you bet I turned it on you to show you how it felt. Hoping that maybe you’d stop being so insensitive and closed minded.

Clearly that will never work.

I’m going to quit, as well. He refuses to apologize or acknowledge his completely unwarranted attitude. So I’m done.


Why does Blizzard hate daylight?

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You…you do know it’s not daytime everywhere on the planet right now, don’t you?


You know when this whole issue started, people on oceanic’s complaint was they had to play in darkness all the time. Now they get to play in mid day lighting for 2 hours and then dusk lighting for the remainder of however long they play.

Do you realize that is probably what most people in NA experience in terms of lighting. The people who play after work, 2 hours of daytime and then dusk ?

In any case, giving my opinion on this any more isn’t needed. I have stated what I think and blizzard will do whatever they want.

And I don’t agree with you about that profession issue either but whatever.

“It sucks for other people so don’t bother changing things” is not a compelling argument.

Having one profession item cost around ten thousand times as much to craft as another profession item is indefensible.


so you think playing this game any other time that mid day is bad ?

Just fry them in oil and eat them :+1:

Nope. But I recognize that other people will have different opinions and that changing this toy to have a shorter cooldown will have zero impact on my enjoyment of the game.


don’t really understand what argument you were making there then with your response

because that sure wasn’t my argument.

That’s what it sounded like to me. Why even mention that other people have limited daylight available to them while playing? Just because they’re not here complaining about it that it somehow invalidates this thread?

I was suggesting maybe that is why they decided on 2 hours.

That doesn’t explain the cooldown difference between the day and night toys.

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So make the night toy the same - who cares. I personally can’t see why anyone would want to even use that one - maybe that is why they made it free.