What did you guys think of the show so far?
As someone who grew up watching Bewitched and the Dick Van Dyke show, i loved the call backs. It was a little slow, and im glad they dropped two episodes because they were damn short. Episode 3 looks to be where the show will start taking off.
Haven’t watched it, but giving you a +1 for mentioning bewitched.
Samantha was my first crush
…when I was about 3 or 4 years old.
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I like it so far. Have been a fan of the character for a long time and it seems like they are hitting several storylines for the character without doing it quite like comics did. That will end up with her finally being called the Scarlet Witch in this universe.
Each episode seems to cover a different era. Which is cool to me because Wanda is an older character. So it kind of pays homage to those different eras. I think someone is pulling her strings, but she wants to stay in this universe because Vision is still alive here and she’s not ready to say goodbye again. Which hits on House of M a bit but luckily not quite the same (as that was a terrible story that wrecked the comics character for good).
It has some elements from the mid-70s Avengers where Wanda meets Agatha Harkness. For Sure Agnes is her (the broach, the Auntie Agatha reference, the June 2nd reference), but is given Endora’s fake name from Bewitched.
I think Herb is Herbert Wyndham aka the High Evolutionary. Who kept Wanda and Pietro in his lab until they could be adopted out in comics. All the while experimenting on them.
I think the other women in the neighborhood are possibly a part of Agatha’s New Salem coven.
That the helicopter is how Monica Rambeau got into this reality and that SWORD is trying to break through this reality to help Wanda. You hear Jimmy Woo’s voice on the radio at one point. And he’s now with SWORD.
The beekeeper suit could be a Hydra or an AIM reference. And since they said we’ll find out what happened to Vision’s body, it could be either one of those that took or are trying to take his body. And that he’s just an “illusion” in Wanda’s reality.
But this reality seems to be pushed by someone else too. Because Wanda seems confused at certain points. And Woo saying, “What are they doing to you Wanda?” It could be a villain or villains trying to keep her distracted because they know how powerful she is.
I personally think the Beekeeper suit was actually a HAZMAT suit that got changed to a beekeeper suit in order to “fit in” with the setting. Much like the “Helicopter” was either a real Helicopter that was carrying Monica, or a Sword drone.
There are theories that it’s the movie interpretation of the villain Swarm.
This last weeks episode was what we’ve all been waiting for so far. Four weeks of a sore and fun burn that all paid off with the action finally and true backstory of what’s going on. It’s nice to see SWORD in the MCU and all these faces from other movies start popping up again.
Yup! And it shows the movie level quality work they put into this. The CGI and look wouldn’t feel out of place in an MCU movie, and thats insane for a TV show.
I’m just waiting for the other two Olsens to appear or even be mentioned somewhere on the show, because no basket of sitcom easter eggs is complete without Full House…
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I was trying to wait until the whole thing dropped to binge watch it, but I am kinda glad I didn’t. Seeing all teh fan theories about WTF is going on is as fun as the show XD
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Ya, Weekly is so much better. Participating in weekly fan discussions REALLY improves the engagement. Every week i watch it with my kids and then we spend 20 minutes discussing things.
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This week’s episode was great. We got the hint of Rambeau becoming a hero and finally seeing Agatha revealing herself as an actual villain. I’m really looking forward to the last two episodes.
Agathas Theme song was legit!
Whenever they end I am so not ready for the credits. I am very curious where this is headed. Showdown with Monica and Vision vrs “Pietro” and Agatha?
OMG this episode! So good! There are so many things to resolve that it feels like they could make a movie out of each one. And maybe that’s the point?
/I need a 2 hour Finale
Right? Im sure some of it will follow us into Dr. Strange 2, but man, so much to wrap up in one episode!
And Elizabeth Olsen is so good. She broke my heart this episode.
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Annnnnd now im sad that its over. Spoilers for last episode.
Im sure a lot of people are going to be kind of negative about the ending. No mutants, no Mephisto, no Nightmare, etc. But i freaking loved it. The movie quality visuals in a TV show. Yes please.
Kathryn Hahn was great in the entire series, and i loved her **** talking Wanda throughout the last episode.
The Vison on Vision fight was great, and having that fight be solved by discussing and dissecting a philosophical quandary was perfect.
The heartbreak of Wanda and Vision putting their kids to bed knowing they would “die”.
Visions goodbye to Wanda. Whos freaking cutting onions, man?
The Mid credit scene sets up Captain Marvel 2, and the After credit scene sets up Doctor Strange 2! (Shout out to that Sam Raimi Evil dead camera tribute in the post credits scene.)
But this show is first and foremost, Wanda’s and Vision’s. Those silly fan theories are and will always be nothing more than bloated, entitled ego of some whiners who wanted to tell strangers on the internet “I told yo so!” Or fun easter eggs than some have read way too much into.
For me WandaVision is a solid 8.5/10 show. It’s a bit of a slough the first 3 episodes but 4-9 are so well worth it.
The show is a great stepping off point into Phase 4 of the MCU. great casting all around. Ship of Theseus debate. Agatha’s song, comic costume nod in the halloween episode, etc. lot to love here and well worth the watch.
And I already tell the mini series format is a better way to flesh out your superhero characters than an R rated mess of a sequel or bloated 4 hour re-release of a terrible movie sequel.
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I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was worried that there would be 3892479325 huge suspenseful cliffhangers leading into the next movies. I was happily surprised there were not. I think people wanted this series to be Infinity War, when it was more akin to Iron Man.
That said, I am sad about Evan Peters. I would like some of those fan theories coming true there, because it’s too perfect of a set up given all the background details with the ownership.