(TV) The Mandalorian

That ending would (and did) make a grown man cry. What an incredible finale.



Wow, what an awesome ending. I was expecting Boba Fett to come back. It was perfect.

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too bad we already know what happen to Luke.

there a post credit showing what Boba Fett is doing.


Regarding Luke. They can always pretend that those new trilogy movies don’t exist. I do. :joy:


I genuinely believe the vast majority of people watching wouldn’t care one bit if ANYTHING from the sequels got retconned.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was merely chopping onions at the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously that was the biggest surprise that flew in from the left-field and holy crap talk about a payoff. The entire hallway scene was just beautiful.

After season 2, I say this show is worth the sub fee.

If they are smart they will. The first two were horrible at best. I refuse to watch the 3rd.

I didn’t make it thru the 3rd one. It’s so long and boring.

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When I didn’t like the first two I thought it was because I aged out and only liked the first 3 because I was a kid. Luckily when the second one ended my 5 year old at the time stood up and announced to everyone “that didn’t make any sense. These moves are bad”. Made feel a lot better about the whole thing.

That Force Crush confirms Yoda’s claims that “once you start the Dark Path forever it will dominate your destiny” as being the norm not the exception!

At least we know why Luke was willing to murder a child in his sleep even if he did stop himself! He was falling deeper and deeper into Darkness the whole time!

Return of the Jedi was about Luke redeeming Anakin not him redeeming himself(he refused to kill Vader out of Fear of falling to the Dark Side despite Fear being the Dark Side)! The Last Jedi is now about Rey and Yoda redeeming Luke so that he’d finally let go of Fear and Aggression!

The Dark Side is Fear, Anger, Hate and Aggression!

The first one is always the hardest to purge as the entire Jedi Order fell to that one during the Clone Wars! Yoda fell to Fear even earlier when he banned access to Prophecies and Force Visions despite telling Obi-Wan to be mindful about the future!

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it did hit me and I watched people reaction and they cried. This is the Luke Skywalker we wanted and Kathleen Kennedy ruined him and in new trilogy for social justice. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni put love in their for Star Wars because they are fans and I want him to continue with their work with Star Wars not Kathleen Kennedy.

I saw the Rise of Skywalker because of Sheev Palpatine. He always my favorite Star Wars villain. I wanted Ian McDiarmid preform his role and listen his theme one last time.

Abrams is the one who got rid of him so that Luke wouldn’t have stole the spotlight away from the Cast so he gets blame as well!

Rian Johnson’s poor treatment of him(making him attack his Nephew in the Backstory) was to give a Logical excuse for Luke not being present nor flying over to the Resistance’s Planet immediately when Han died!

The desire to not overshadow the new cast plus the desire to explain it logically caused massive damage to the Sequel Trilogy!

Personally I say Abrams should have had them looking for another Jedi Master(with the name left unsaid so that Rian Johnson could come up with it) who is old enough for Leia to deem him more capable of training Ben Solo than Luke and have Luke himself be at the Resistance Base training Jedi on his own without interfering with the new Cast Members!

If Abrams did that and left the Jedi Master’s Gender to Rian Johnson we’d probably get Kreia due to Rian Johnson’s self proclaimed love of Knights of the Old Republic!

Kathleen Kennedy could care less about Star Wars, if she really cared about George Lucas’s legacy, she would step in and made sure Star Wars step in right direction. No she keeps telling us that Force is Female and bring woke culture into Star Wars. Rey trilogy was a failure and causes Star Wars to decline. This show saved her but its not enough to save this franchise.

I disagree here. The show was never about saving KK, it was about bringing together something that was far better for the franchise by telling a story that captured the true spirit of Star Wars. I mean heck, there is plenty of behind-the-scenes footage of George Lucas smiling and laughing as he watched the first and second seasons get shot. There was a recent behind the scenes video with him, Filoni, and Rosario Dawson in costume as Ashoka and it was magical. These shows will never save Kennedy, rather they will cement Favreau and Filoni as the new faces and gatekeepers of the SW universe.

They insulted the fans and they ruined Luke’s character. Ever since when Last Jedi came out, Star Wars was declining. I don’t believe Mandalorian is going save Star Wars but its a start. But so long she runs company, I have no hope for this franchise.


this is why I don’t believe why Star Wars is declining.

Going after a Star Wars fan and you will get heavily backlashed.

ah yes, pablo hidalgo, whom we haven’t heard from in years, mocks some guy

A big Star Wars youtuber who also a cancer survivor and all he did was react to Luke Skywalker appearance in Mandalorian and he got bulled. What Pablo Hidalgo did was he reopen the wound that Lucasfilm is trying to recover from the Last Jedi. Even Variety is calling this one out and that really bad. If Disney want Star Wars to continue, they going have to clean house otherwise you have a dead franchise.

my point was Pablo Hidalgo hasn’t been a big face in Lucasfilm for some time. expect him to lose a job over this