Tusks of Mannoroth!

Great Value brand Garrosh is right. How many Tusks could Mannoroth possibly have?


It really does.

So I did heroic and mythic siege of org for tusks day before yesterday. And no tusks :confused: I always use bonus rolls too. I’m so sick of this raid, I don’t know if I can do it anymore. I’ve taken many breaks, but damn lol.

Do they also drop in SoO?

Tusks of mannoroth drop in SoO heroic and mythic difficulties, or so they say.

Only on this character I have a total kills of, 590x normal, 604x Heroic, 14x Mythic, not counting the other characters on the account and I never even smelled the drop of those damn tusks! :confused:

Everything should be on the guide.

With SoO being skippable next patch, it be a lot easier for some players who still are trying to farm the tusk and I can’t wait until I get the new Gorehowl!

Funny, the skip its causing disconnect xD

greases tusks, loosens straps and wiggles toes

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With skip enabled, I’ve decided to farm for these shoulders. Do they drop from mythic + heroic + normal? or is it just mythic and heroid.

Heroic and Mythic only.


I got them back last week. I’d be Warchief too, if it weren’t for this blasted level squish. Who thought this was a good idea? It was the banshee, wasn’t it!

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I just had the Tusks drop in Heroic mode today. It was my 8th attempt this week since the introduction of the skip.

I’m wondering if the drop rate has been increased. They dropped for me last week, and I saw two warriors with them earlier today.

Nothing official, I think. They did add the skip, though, which makes it much easier to do it as you no longer have to bother with the weird alt ID extension thing.

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I got mine today. I am the true Warchief now!

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I have 5 extra mechanical scorpions that I would gladly trade for the tusks.

EDIT: Gosh dang necros got me again!

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