Tusks of Mannoroth still dropping?

Are these still dropping? Is it both heroic and mythic?

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I think it’s just mythic but I am not sure. You should be able to see what difficulties it can drop in with the journal.

It did drop in both heroic and mythic. I’m not sure if it still drops (though I don’t see why it wouldn’t) but it did about 6 months ago as thats when I got mine.

Its just a really low drop rate. On par with mounts.

Make sure you grab rerolls for extra chances.



Yes they do still drop but by the time you hit 100 attempts you are already dead because it is extremely rare, drop chance identical to rare raid mounts, and SoO is excruciatingly mind numbing and takes a long time to complete even solo. People who have earned the Tusks of Mannoroth should have a Feat of Strength Achievement. :crazy_face:

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SoO needs bosses skip like some other raids have allready

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Yes they drop in both difficulties. The drop rate is just abysmal. If you do the lockout-trick it will save you a lot of time while farming. They will drop eventually, so just dont stop farming! Got mine after 250-ish kills not too long ago, which is just extremely lucky. They might drop on your next run you know, so keep going!

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Also, there is no unlucky streak protection for it dropping. If it’s a low drop rate, like 1%, then every single time you kill the boss, it will have a 1% drop rate. Good luck!

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Keep going for it, never know when it will drop, i got my first glaive on my first run on my DH, went about a year and half before the second one dropped, it was early tuesday morning before a reset and i was considering not doing it since i had forgot, but being a DH it takes like 10 total minutes to fly there and kill Illidaddy and boom it dropped.

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Just to add to it, for anyone not knowing about the lockout-trick.

1-clear every boss on f.ex heroic EXCEPT GARROSH, on a fast, not plate-wearing class like dh.

  1. Hearth and stay in a rested area with Said class, and make a group. Log out with dh and log in with a plate class and join the group.

  2. Log out from plate class and back to dh and accept invite from your other toon. Log back to plate class on enter SoO. You should now spawn in the room of the Paragons.

  3. Wait until dh goes offline (about 1 min i think…? Before killing Garrosh. If you dont, you might lose the lockout.

  4. Repeat with your other plate classes. Remember to extend the lockout on the dh too keep it.

I am Norwegian, so sorry for any bad wording or grammar. Hopefully it was understandable. Happy farming!


You can just kick the other toon from group after you enter the raid. No need to wait for them to show offline.

Did this many many times in ICC for Invisible (pun intended.)

Do you not need to wait until you get party leader to kick your other toon tho? Which happens when the other leader goes offline

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Yeah, you’re right. I apologize and stand corrected. 3am and brain is not firing on all cylinders. You do need to wait for lead.

No worries, you were just trying to help!

God, yes please! 100% this!

I know its rare for Blizzard to go back and add stuff to older content but SoO is such a massive linear raid! Its seriously such a pain how long it is paired with the backtracking near the end with the side wings.

It would be nice if there were ways to skip ahead in the raid like how BRF, HFC, ToS, etc. handled things.

Not disagree’ing here, and would love to see a skip too, but I don’t think Blizzard is going to go back and imply something like this to old raids.

Oh goodness no, the chances are super unlikely. I certainly do not disagree with that haha.

Heck, having them make non-soloable encounters soloable is the most I ever expect and even then that always feels like a “maybe” more than anything else XD