Tusks of Mannoroth are unusable on any class other than Plate

Ah, you’re right. I forgot you can’t even mail stuff between remix characters.
god, what a mess. :skull:

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Kind of surprising to see this still hasn’t been fixed with the Tuesday reset.

Its starting to annoy me what the hell are they doing.

any chance for some kind of update on this?

What do you mean? They fixed it ages ago.

they will never make it so a cloth can mog this plate item, only thing they did was make it so any toon can learn this so PLATE! toons can mog it

It’s not exactly fixed as the Remix model has a different item ID. They need to make this visible on the vendor for those who already have the retail item ID but want to purchase the remix ID as well.

This is a you problem, you won’t get two items, they don’t have different colors. The only way you know it has different sources is that you have an addon and even then, you have to dig deep into it to find out.


they probably had to make a separate ID to put it on the vendor - it matters not to anyone for any reasonable purpose

Yes but the game still marks that particular ID as uncollected

Still a you problem.