Tusks of Mannoroth are unusable on any class other than Plate

Comparing a token grind that guarantees you the final product in a set # of days, to retail w/ a .1% drop rate on a daily lockout…has to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read this year.

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If you got them to drop on a non-plate character in retail, they’ll be usable by your plate characters once Warbands roll out with TWW. Shocked they didn’t just introduce them early, seeing as this is a cosmetic-themed event and this would have been optimal timing.

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Im guessing it dosenʻt matter who you unlock the tusks on, you can only equip them on plate characters.

Some cosmetics say things like “Only equippable by such and such”

I assumed this would be the case and rolled a plate class, but its good to see the team so responsive and engaged with feedback

Are you working on a fix for all of the transmog? I’ve had sets that don’t recognize the claim so I’ve just been keeping them in my inventory after i lost the first few…

wtf are you even babbling about? I commented how frog farming isn’t a farm and you respond with what, a Tusks comment? That’s actually ridiculous, not what I said.

I hope this fixed is planned for sooner rather than later. I didn’t realize this was an issue (since apparently it’s not with other cosmetic items in Remix), and have started collecting Bones on a Shaman. I’d hoped to get the Tusks, and then level a warrior in Remix while having them mogged.

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Wonder if this fix requires a proper Tuesday shutdown rather than being something they get done in a hotfix. If so, maybe it drops tomorrow?

You would think a easy hot fix would fix it but who knows

Over a week now and no fix. Any ETA? If this was a “exploit” this would have been fixed instantly. Come on blizz, do better.

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Seriously what the hell are they doing. Fix this! It probably takes 5 minutes to do.

nawwww needed to dealt with

maybe itll be fixed with the exended Maintenance

Have you submitted your resume? I’m sure someone with your expertise would be invaluable to the process of fixing bugs like this.

still not fixed?


for the tusk I must get

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Dont defend them. They are lazy.

Right?! I keep getting merged onto a server with tons of bots camping one rare on Timeless, and its not even Champs…

Reset and still no fix. I struggle to understand how complex it is to just make an item account bound as a band-aid fix until it’s actually fixed? it’s perplexing, really.


Even if it was account bound, there’s no way to send it to another character, either in Remix or outside remix.

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