Bliizard, you have male, female and children models. When can we play as a Tuskarr!
Probably never. They are missing most of the animations and other factors to be a playable race.
We’re going to take every race that wants to be playable and put them into a FFA deathmatch. My money is on Vrykul.
Well you know, its called development…they could you know, make some.
They could always, I don’t know, make those animations?
They could live stream it.
Would you rather have Tuskarr or Cat Girls ?
100% Tuskarr.
Why does it have to be one or the other?
Cuz you only get one lol
Never. They’re a joke race like Murlocs and Pygmies.
They are not a joke race!
Maybe for TLT. But for now, we can wait for them with this thread I made until we get them.
Probably never.
Saurok. I want to be a gross dinosaur worshiping, roach-ranching, disease-belching lizard person.
My smooth lizard brain demands it. I will unga-bunga from dinoback and drop my tail and flee at the first sign of danger.
Tail drop racial. The saurok vanishes leaving a twitching tail in its place for 2 min. The tail acts as a target dummy.
I just want playable Saberon over all other races.
That said, I’d likely make a single Tuskarr hunter, tame a couple otter pets, then take him through all of the expansions leveling fishing, and then probably never play him again.
People already had a meltdown when they added Pandaren, unfortunately from this we will probably never see Tuskarr.
Pandaran were fine. It was the Vulpera
My money is on more dwarf and elf reskins for both factions.
The era of distinct and different races for each faction is over… all Blizzard will give us are reskinned dwarves and elves for the next 20 yeats.