Tuskarr Tackleboxes do not feel great

For those that do not know, Tuskarr Tackleboxes are the reward for hitting Renown 27 with the Iskaara Tuskarr. These boxes are treasure items scattered around the Dragon Isles that contain Fishing items like fish and Ominous Conches.

However, these boxes do not feel great. They are everywhere in the Dragon Isles and they offer no rewards that are worth the time - No Profession Weekly items, no consumables, no chance at Primal Chaos or Dragon Shards of Knowledge, no Renown reputation tokens. Because people don’t take the time to loot these (as there are no rewards really worth it), they also end up littering the shores of the Dragon Isles, bringing frustration to players looking for the other treasures, as these share an icon.

Another thing that is also kinda baffling is that these do not drop Fishing Gear upgrades, which are usually obtained through… well, fishing. For a box that is seemingly simulating a fishing cast, not having a chance on these at all seems like an oversight.

I feel like these need to be treated like normal treasures, at least partially - If you don’t want to add too much to these to not give an advantage for people who are Renown 27, at least add the profession weekly items to them.

If anything, I would also like to see a different map vignette icon added to them, so we can at least differentiate these from the other treasures, so we know to continue avoiding them.


I agree. They litter my screen and provide nothing useful. Sometimes they even spawn a lunker like a regular ol’ fishing cast and put me in combat for no reason. They actively made treasure hunting worse :frowning:


I have not gotten to that rep level yet.

I do love treasure hunting though and would like to have the coins in them for swog swag bags (Bottles with recipes), and fish my alts can use for turn ins for rep.

Making a separate icon seems reasonable though so people can make easy choices between those and ones that might have prof mats/knowledge in them.


Just for reference, this is a friend’s map near the Temporal Conflux in Thaldraszus. These are all tackleboxes.

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Those are the same places I would also find Disturbed Dirt. I certainly do understand why someone would want different icons for them.

Of course, personally I would be off to loot all those! I adore treasure hunting.

Thanks for an example of what those at 27 see. I will get there soon enough :slight_smile:

They are so bad, it bogs down the map to a horrible degree

This is the big thing I hope they’ll do.

I am hunting the treasure piles/packs right now because I still need 2 of the Jeweled Whelp gems and I’m afraid of hitting Renown 27 because it’ll be harder to find.

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Aw man this really bums me out I grinded all my tusksr fishing stuff hoping this stuff would be awesome.

I now have my Tuskar Tackleboxes! Got them late last night.

  • They give greys that sell very well for lots of gold.
  • Fish, but not a lot
  • Rate of coins and bottles too low. That would make them more helpful. I need Churnbelly tea!

So, right now, I see the complaint. Other than gold they are not really worth a lot of time to stop and get. They don’t even seem to have the option for fishing upgrade mats/rep turn ins that would be account bound and help alts.

I still LIKE them to be honest. They make a gathering run down a river feel pretty meaty between those, dirt piles, herbs, etc.

I just agree a diff icon might be better. Hook maybe?


Adding the Tuskarr Upgrade Items to them would be a welcome addition as well. (And fit, thematically) Right now the upgrade items are locked behind 6 Prismatic Leaper Schools, then rare Overheated Magma Pools and even Rarer Deep Ice Holes.

Adding a chance for them to drop the “Treasure” quest items would be handy too. (By that I mean the items that you use to unlock a treasure in a zone)

But yea, a new icon is sorely needed.


I unlocked them a while back and after collecting a bunch of them I soon stopped as the rewards were just not worth it. I also hate how they litter my minimap and I cant tell them apart from disturbed dirt or expedition packs. Hopefully they get their own icon, or the ability to turn off tracking them


Tuskarr Tackleboxes should drop everything a lunker or fishing cast can drop, as well as some of the stuff from the disturbed dirt and expedition scout’s pack treasures. At a minimum, it would be cool if they dropped the weekly profession knowledge items that drop from dirts/packs. They’re an incredibly unrewarding treasure.


I was hoping that I had to accept the ability to use them but nope they spamming my screen now.

After over a week of looting them, things that should be added to Tackleboxes just by nature of how they’re designed:

  1. The “Treasure Map” Items for the “Treasures of Zone Name” Achievement treasures. Things like Letter of Caution and once you unlock them, the Jeweled Whelp Maps/Recipes like Bear Termination Orders (and the resulting recipes that can drop for JCers).
  2. Sparks of Life for the Sparks War Mode Weekly. Possibly have them drop only 1-2 due to how common they are compared to Dirt/Packs, but having them drop none is just silly.
  3. The “Uncommon” Quality Tuskarr Fishing Upgrade Items that only come (currently) from Prismatic Leaper Schools or the Rare Version of the Magma/Ice Thresher Schools, such as Strong Seavine or Draconium Nugget.

It’d also be nice if they could drop the Profession Knowledge items that Dirt/Packs could drop, but for me at least, I wouldn’t be mad if those stayed exclusive to Dirt/Packs to still give us a reason to seek out those and not just the easier to find Tackleboxes.


I agree. The boxes make my mini map to cluttered and it’s hard to discern from a glance what is a box I actually want compared to these tuscar boxes.