I have reacheved level 30 Tuskarr rep. When I ask Murik where I stand, he shows level 30 complete. However, the “Joining the Community” achievement hasn’t popped yet, and even though I have the mats, I cannot purchase the war ottuk mount, I get the error “Item is locked”.
I’ve also gotten an entire paragon level for Tuskarr as well, and that didn’t pop it for me either.
Curious if this could be related. The Envoy Charter for the Maruuk Centaur at the Forbidden Reach zone 10.0.7 is locked. Myself and many others simply cannot select the Maruuk to gain the daily bonus rep buff. And that NPC is the only one who appears as Yellow (Neutral) not Green (Friendly or above) even though my Maruuk Rep would be considered “above Friendly” equivalent.
Not exactly the same problem as yours but perhaps related in a faction reputation being locked somehow.
It’s possible for sure! However, mine has been an issue for a month or so, so was present pre-10.07. Guessing, based on that, it may not be entirely linked to anything from .07.