Am unsure if this is a bug but previously, the tuskarr backpacks didn’t hide weapons when clipped on the back. Suddenly it does? If it is a bug I’d like help fixing it, was neat to see my staff seemingly tethered to my bag.
Sounds more like a bug fix than a bug >_>
I suppose there could be clipping issues for some but, I enjoyed the visual myself.
Noticed this bug as well. If it was in fact a bug fix, could those of us who don’t mind the clipping be given a way to show our weapons, regardless of what back item we have transmogged?
Because really, if this it is just an issue of “Back weapons clip with backpacks, better to hide the weapons than show them” then there’s a whole lot more that should be hidden as well. I can’t use a cape on half of my characters because guess what? Their weapons clip through them. And that looks a whole lot worse than a weapon clipping through a backpack.
It seems to affect these Tuskarr Backpacks and the Tuskarr Trader’s Packs. The various Paw Packs didn’t hide my weapons.
Maybe unintended. But vastly annoying.
They really just need to add a checkbox for “Hide when sheathed” to each weapon on the transmog screen. That way players can choose for themselves whether to hide one or both weapons to prevent clipping or if they are happy to have them clip.
This. So much this. There’s enough clipping in the game that we have to accept with weapons (and even other armor pieces) that it should just be an option to hide weapons when sheathed or show them at all times. If not a 'mog option, then at least a check box in the settings menus, like the old “Hide Helm” and “Hide Cloak” buttons.
This change has ruined one of the only new styled backpieces that didn’t hide your weapons.
I hated this decision by the devs in shadowlands too regarding hiding weapons. All of the covenant backpieces did this so I never used them.
Give us a toggle. The tuskarr backpacks didn’t clip on my gun and it looked great…
This needs more visibility, get off Diablo IV and revert this change ASAP.
I was under the impression that the majority of non-cloak style back pieces caused your sheathed weapon to be hidden. For example this hides my bow when sheathed:
If that’s the case I’d say it wasn’t intentional and Blizzard “fixed” it.
The tuskar backpacks was the only one in the game that wasnt a BLACK HOLE THAT SWALLOWS WEAPONS INTO OBLIVION.
Why remove this? It doesn’t make sense.
At least give us a toggle option. A toggle box with “show weapons”.
A toggle option to show weapons regardless of what back gear is equipped/mogged would be great. There’s so much clipping in this game that having a weapon maybe go through a backpack isn’t that bad. Especially when there are some races who can’t even use a cape without their weapons clipping through that, but Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about hiding weapons in that instance.