Turtle time!

Normally I don’t turtle, but last night there was 8 boomkin on my team and we had no choice.

So we went to bal and killed 26 and then proceeded to just wipe the respawns for the rest of the game.

It wasn’t our fault, blizzard gave us the power of the death chicken and so we had to use it.



i like turwtles

Long games are less honor per hour

I’d rather get 800 honor every 8min

Than 1200 to 1400 honor every 30 to 40 min.


I’d not mind them so much but at some point it breaks down to I jsut don’t want to slam right into a wall of AOE. 40 times…

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Cluck…that plagues even retail.

MOthers milk is another one in classic. someone has to spam that it seems.


This is the best “I’m an adult with 5 kids and 6 jobs and 0 wives” impression I’ve ever seen btw. /salute

I too am an adult with a career and family. I don’t cry when I can’t progress as fast as a NEET.

I much prefer my life to theirs. I’m not gonna take away their one advantage they have over me lol

AV actually fun back and forth again instead of a lame base race?



There it is.

But actually getting to PVP for your honor is so much more fun.
And safe, for it is the age of mass reporting anyone for anything.


HPH meta-gamers are ruining BGs. Try having FUN instead.


Geared over the weakend… Now just killing kids

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Reported to the FBI

come on he said kids not CLUCKs

You called?

nooo not the power of the death chicken
please don’t banish me to the land of wind and ghost

Wait having in video game ? are you crazy ?

Another demoralized post from a pve’er 100 games deep into farming his full 13-slot “replace at Lv71” brutal set, on his server with 0 enemies


I’ve had some turtles I’ve bumped into a horde rogue looking for stragglers like me. Some nice 1v 1’s from them really. Won some lost some. One can even learn from the losses.

Turtles let you have this fun I find. To me it’s better than killing the same blood elves I do most days on dailies lol.

If it’s not a pvp battleground why is it in the honor page to queue for?

If you don’t like a turtle, you can always take a 15 minute break.

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Because its been a pve battleground for 16+ years… Sorry you just started playing when classic came out?