Turning speed keeps resetting to slower than default value

Several times since the new patch I’ve found my character’s turning speed becomes dramatically slower. Wasn’t able to find the report or conversation on the NA forums, but here’s the EU topic. It appears to be related to the quest Juicing Up and Storming Out on the Siren Isle.

From that thread, the temp fix is to use the following command to restore the turn speed to default:

/console turnspeed 180


I’ve been having this happen a lot too, and it did seem to only start after doing Siren Isle (though can’t remember if it was associated with that quest).

One wrinkle though, I’ve been having it happen to alts too who haven’t been to Siren Isle, but the overall issue didn’t begin until I had done Siren Isle stuff.

This needs more attention. I have been having this problem since the Plunderstorm patch on Tuesday. Every time I open the game my turnspeed is very low. Only relogging seems to fix it (or manually putting in the command). But it always resets to very slow upon opening the game again.

/console turnspeed ###

Doesn’t save for me. I tried multiple ways but it’ll go back to slower turn speeds after switching toons/logging out

I like 330

It’s anytime you logout/in after piloting the mech suit. Not just when you complete the quest.

It’s stupid.


Thanks for the tips.

I had this slow turn-speed problem too this morning, and couldn’t understand why. Last thing I did last night was do the Sirens Isle quest in the mech suit for the first time.

The console command did seem to ‘stick’ for me after shutting down and logging back in, for now at least.

The issue in question here is that the mechsuit enforces a TurnSpeed of 60 while using its machine gun conal ability. It should reset to the default 180 while the ability is not active and you have left the suit, and it does…but not in the proper way. Your character will have your expected turning speed but the client variable itself will still erroneously have 60 as its value. This value then gets saved the moment you log out or exit the game (without a crash, anyway), which you will then encounter on your next login.

Until they fix it, the best way to trap this issue is to use the script to set TurnSpeed back to your intended value immediately after you are finished with the mechsuit in the storm. This will ensure the client saves your value on logout and not the erroneous 60.


Yep, this seems to be it. I use the mechsuit every time for the weekly, and have to reset the turn speed each time I log back in after using it. Thanks for figuring it out.

any chance we see this ever dealt with?

Today was the first day I had this happen to me. I ran into a wall because I wasn’t turning at the usual speed!

Relogging fixed it I should note.

Still an issue in 11.1 unfortunately.

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It’s sad what this game has become in terms of development and bugs.