Turn Vereesa into a Void Elf

I mean if we want to see more Alliance Thalassian Elves into the Story. How about have rest of the Silver Covenant become part of the Ren’dorei as the New Quel’dorei. Plus not only would we have a Windrunner who is a Blueberry Elf but also Vereesa as well. So far nothing really has happened with the Silver Covenant other than surviving the Scourge Invasion.

Plus we can finally have other types of High Elf stuff like a Flag, Void infused unicorns, Corrupted normal looking High Elves with different Skin tunes, and etc. Make the remaining Quel’dorei formed with the Ren’dorei and find them a New Homeland on Azeroth than a Rift or something.


Yes, go for it.



What’s a Void Elf? You mean the new playable high elves?


The Silver Covenant and Void Elves need to merge, so that maybe the number of canonical Alliance Thalassian elves can maybe, barely extend into the triple digits.


Yes, please, just end the Queldorei nonsense already

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Already on it! The Ren’dorei are recruiting and before you know it we shall forge a new destiny for the exiled sons and daughters of Quel’thelas.

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It would be interesting to see the divide between Blood Elves and those they exile become less messy by having Void Elves and High Elves unite under the name of Void Elves. The only real tricky point there would be addressing High Elf Priests and Paladins, but its not really as tricky as it could be; lorewise, I don’t think the Void Elves would prohibit the study or practice of the Light. Indeed, they’ve worked alongside the Lightforged Draenei without issue.

This could also be a nice way to really expand on Void Elf culture by actually giving them one.

For example, perhaps the shared moral/value between Void/High Elves is that of freedom. Quel’Thalas is a dictatorial state complete with propaganda spewing robots, and anyone who disagrees with the Regent Lord is either mind-controlled or exiled. The idea of the Ren’dorei having a more symbolic meaning under the virtue of Freedom would be a solid foundation for Void Elf culture to form, but also to bring in the High Elves.

If all the High Elves whom join learn to practice a little bit of void magic as part of that identity, it works out pretty well. Something to unite them all and show their defiance for the tyranny of Quel’Thalas’ regime.


I’d rather they put more focus on actual Void Elf characters. Like, Umbric is their leader but it is Alleria who takes all the spotlight. Adding Vereesa ( or even all High Elves ) to the mix sounds like a bad idea to me. The alliance has enough Light worshippers as it is. The Ren’dorei are interesting because they are different. But that’s just my opinion.


This. The whole High Elf ship should have sailed a long time ago, now we basically have a second neutral race.

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Nah, the void elves already got a windrunner in them.

Make Veressa a Demon Hunter. Demon hunters get a third spec finally, and its ranged.


This is what they should have done instead of Alleria. Just have Vareesa and the other Alliance High Elves do it. Then you can have your Alliance all day High/Void Elves.


In all seriousness, the merger needs to make all Silver Covenants elves turn into Void Elves via shadow infusion or whatever. As it stands, one culture will just steal the spotlight from the other, and Void Elves need to become detached from Quel’thas culture to become unique and interesting.

Void Elves need to move beyond being purple Blood Elves. Let them pave an entirely new culture and identity.


Well, firstly the Void Elves need characters for that. Right now it’s just Umbric. Alleria is certainly a Void Elf, but she’s already received some significant relevance and screen time.

I feel like the Void Elves need 1-2 more fleshed out characters to really balance them out. One of these really needs to be a Priest. Its strange how the class which has used the void since forever isn’t actually represented in the void race. As for the other, maybe solidify them as a caster race and go with a Warlock. Or, alternatively, a Warrior who was previously a Blood Knight. I’m sure there would be a story there.


The chance for this ever happening is long gone, we now have a ton of pink/tan skinned blue eyed “Void Elves” running around. The culture of the Elves is a giant cluster f now. Should have just stuck with edgy purple void loving elves, but people cried and wanted light skin and blue eyes, next it will be paladins, then who knows.

Make Void Elves unique not just Purple Alleria and her High Elf followers. The Void Elves are “Void Elves” in name only, other than two characters.


If the culture and identity of the Void Elves was only ever going to be successful by the color of their skin, then it was already a doomed prospect to begin with.

To reiterate what I said above, merge Void Elves and High Elves, and give them a culture revolving around the premise of freedom and personal liberty; commodities virtually non-existent in Quel’Thalas. It sets them at odds with the Blood Elves and gives us something positive for them, as well as a potential negative.

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Well, Shadow Priests using the void is a fairly new development, but I agree for the most part. They definitely need more fleshed out characters, and one of them should be a priest or a warlock. I just think that merging them with High Elves is the wrong way. But as I said, that’s just personal opinion.

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See, I think the opposite. Void Elves never should’ve been Blood Elves to begin with, they should’ve always been the Alliance’s High Elves. The recruitment story would’ve made perfect sense if Alleria was given command of the Silver Covenant to go looking for missing rangers from the Allerian Stronghold, and then the Covenant was transformed in some void accident, so Alleria and Locus-Walker teach them how to control and use the Void.


Well when the color of their skin more or less makes them a completely different thing it kind of matters, now we have High Elves and Void Elves all running around claiming to be Void Elves and crying how they want to be paladins. It seems everything a large chunk of the player base wants out of the Void Elves makes them less and less what they were originally meant to be.


To be fair, if we’d simply gotten High Elves, I don’t think we’d be having this issue. Blizzard has this strange quirk of not giving the players what they ask for. Players had been asking for High Elves on the Alliance since the game launched back in 2004. I’m not surprised when Void Elves came out that a bunch of players got together and started asking for High Elves as an Allied Race.

Speaking from personal experience, if the number of Void Elf players I’ve seen with flesh-colored skin (rather than blue/purple) is any indication, Void Elves were a mistake to begin with.

But that’s no reason to just give up on them as a race or a concept. They should be fleshed out. No matter what Blizzard should have done, Void Elves are a playable race, and deserve as much development and relevance as any other playable race.


In my honest opinion adding the light skin color and high elf aesthetics to the Void Elves did more damage to the Void Elves, Blood Elves and Horde as a whole than good. All so people can RP and be a pretty elf with a blue background. :man_shrugging: