Turn Stormwind's library into a place where we can watch all ingame cinematics

Right now there is no one singular place(except maybe during the anniversary event in Cavern of Time) where you can see all the cinematic ingame. So short of redoing the quests you cannot watch them again. So why not add books/NPC that effectively let you rewatch these cinematics in Stormwind Library(you can do the same for the Horde somewhere in Ogrimmar). Sounds like a fitting use for the place.


Orgrimmar has books?


I think so. Honestly I don’t think there is a Horde city that has a library.

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Or you could waddle over too Youtube and watch them all in a row there…matter there quite a few wow videos that have them in order of expansions when they came out…

Cinematics are one of my favorite things and I have to go to YouTube to see comps for them.

If they added in a library or a record room where we could watch all the old cinematics in order, I would love that so much. I’d grab all the popcorn and watch it from start to finish :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_comfy_blue:


They could add a little area in the valley of wisdom. Maybe bring the Tauren back there and have a Tauren npc that shows the cinematics like they’re telling the story.


Org could focus on the more tribal aspect of story tellers.

SW the deeds are “written down” for people.

Org you have characters such as shaman, soothsayers, etc, that orally pass down their history.

this guy gets it

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Like they do at the dark moon faire with the stadium for the band. They could do something like that but with a more drive in theater aesthetic!

I realize people are already doomering about how Silvermoon will be 100% alliance in Midnight but Suramar and SMC have big libraries.

I think there’s some bookshelves in the forsaken refugee camp on top of UC? And like some bookshelves wouldn’t be hard to add to buildings in the Valley of Spirits (I think the drag already has those anyway)

Dalaran would be a better place as that would allow both Alliance and Horde to visit the same library without getting hassled by guards.


Still say this mini Cinematic Bottom’s Up is one of the best and funniest they have made… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jon4GV1u3uM

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Orcs have no use for books, you can’t eat them.

Orgrimmar can have an elder’s fire. Where a group of wise old orcs, trolls and a tauren with a vulpera grandma on his shoulder will “retell” the cinematics to the player when asked.

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After a liberal dose of ayahuasca

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cinematics look better in game in the engine than on youtube. youtube compresses the files down which diminishes the quality

Also a lot of the cinematics that get put on youtube are basically from the ptr and so often unfinished

There’s more than a few toys that can be used to watch each expansion’s cinematics currently:

There’s also some NPCs per each expansion’s central area where they can be watched as well.

Though admittedly the Explorer’s League Museum in Ironforge could use a history room with a projector to include all the cutscenes, they are technically in-universe history afterall…even if it is basically recent history.

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Orgrimmar is due for an overhaul. It really should become a true metropolitan city instead of the mostly still primitive orc style it has now. Even the Orcs have given up that old style architecture wherever they build a new settlement.

Expand it up onto the cliffs, build a proper goblin district and an Elf district. Let the Pandaren finally build some actual houses instead of living in tents. And the Dracthyr could use a home.

And of course as per the subject of this thread, a proper Elven mage tower library.


Chromie does that, if you talk to her select the first option, but not the cinematics from all the patches

Now that is a brilliant idea!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

I would also add all the intro cinematics like Blackwing sweeping across everywhere destroying it.