Turn Stormwind's library into a place where we can watch all ingame cinematics

We are not going to live in that dusty, dirty hole in the ground.

We have our own city in a lust forest of bright gorgeous trees.

Unfortunately, thanks to the Stormwind incident (humans: can’t live with um, can’t kill enough to make a difference), stonemasons are thin on the ground and have trust issues with Royal Cities, so it’s still a little damaged from the war but as soon as all those pesky undead are dealt with, it will be fixed and as grand and beautiful as ever!

Okay…who the heck put these Blood Elves in my forest??

There are times I’d even like to just flip back through the quest text I clicked through too quickly the first time.

My character needs to start keeping a journal.

“Dear diary, today I killed an eldritch squid… just like yesterday… and the day before… and the day before…and before…and before…”

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Well, quest completion is already tracked in some big list of quest IDs, so (with just my surface understanding of such things) it seems like it should be just a question of designing an interface that lets you skim through completed quests and look at the associated text.

(I don’t know though if all the hidden trackers that use the same database can be easily filtered out from the actual quests)

(Do any of the story add-ons already do this?)

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How to wash your hands: Vol 2
The importance of not brushing your teeth
The peonist manifesto

Are just a few of our most popular reads.

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You forgot the very explosive section of Goblin steamy-romance novels.


Hmm. Give each Major hub/capital a pseudo PSO2NGS feel to it… And the limitations to factions slowly becoming a thing. Goblins and Gnomes working together to make Theaters for their clients would be interesting. Long as it has Dance Studio in it, need less eldritch squid make outs and more boogie on down.

Was a blast to read “Two Big Brass Bombs” during valentine event. Literal Blast.

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This sounds like something that would be a lot of work for some people to take advantage of like once before they never touch it again.

Youtube is an alt+tab away.

I always thought they should add historians or loremasters or something in the capitol cities where you can get a brief retelling of each expansions story, watch the cinematics, and possibly even do a scenario or two for the more important events as a lore character.

I thought ouside of just being fun, it would also be great for new players trying to get their bearings. And even old ones that missed an expansion or just want a refresher.

Personally I would do them all just for fun. I think this would be a great evergreen system too, even if its small.

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If not mistaken the Battlenet app once upon a time you could watch all the games cinematics. Or maybe it was on the in game character page there was a button for cinematics?