Turn off "weather" effects in SL?

Is there a way to turn off the dreadful “weather” effects in SL?

(When I first saw them, they were so awful, I thought it was video driver bug.)

Wait… you see weather effects is SL? Then I want to know how to turn them on.


Occasionally they have what looks like streaks on the screen. The color varies on the zone. Problem is that it doesn’t look like weather, just streaks on the screen.

Oh, I haven’t seen anything like that. Maybe it’s a graphics glitch or something. If no one else replies with a fix maybe try the tech support forum. I hope you find the fix!

I was really hoping for real weather that some setting I had turned it off. Really miss proper storms and such.

Imagine Ardenweald with a massive thunder storm like in spring, or a blizzard occasionally. Or Maldraxus with sandstorms etc. I have fond memories of being ‘trapped’ in the inn in Tanaris by a sandstorm with other people, we had a storm party. I really miss things like that.


And just last week people were complaining there were not enough weather effects.


I believe the zones have some temporary weather-ish effect that comes around once in awhile. The Night Fae zone has falling stars, I think. Necro zone has some soul-storm thing.

OP, I don’t know of a way to turn it off. I freaking LOVE IT though.


There are weather effects? Not sure I’ve ever seen any lol.

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I think this is an unnecessary feature request.

Imagine going outside IRL and trying to disable the sun.

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I think they mostly look alright, maybe your driver actually is messing up?

I think the ghost weather in Mal is my fav so far.

Bastion goes bright white and the air fills with crackling energy. Maldraxxus goes dark like nighttime and souls are flying around the sky everywhere.

Not sure what happens in Ardenweald or Revendreth, if anything (I haven’t seen anything yet that I’m aware of).

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It already exists as an option. Has for a long time. Congrats! You just learned that an optional feature doesn’t affect you! :smiley:

That sounds more like a bug. I’ve seen nothing like that.

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Only thing that bugs me is the constant flying birds that come and go, I’m already alert as it is to have them in the sides just creeps me. It even drain me.

Weather I have no problem with ,well maybe the soul storm,it that causes me to head the wrong direction at times.

Revendreth rains blood on occasion. Maldraxxus’ storm is pretty dramatic, I was genuinely thrown off when it happened. It was awesome.

I need to see Bastions and Ardenweald’s now. I’d love to see more like this, especially if it buffed us and / or enemies during.

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It rains blood sometimes in Revendreth.

Oh cool! I’ll have to pay closer attention in Revendreth since I’ve never noticed it before.

What weather effects?

/console weatherDensity 1
/console GxRestart


What number would that be to enable them? I haven’t seen any of these effects and would love to.

Found it after a quick search now knowing what I’d be searching for, so thank you for that!

  • 0 - very low weather density
  • 1 - low weather density
  • 2 - medium weather density
  • 3 - max weather density
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Maldraxxus soul storm thing is absolutely amazing, it completely changes the ambience of the zone.

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