Turn off "It's not ready yet!" audio in macro?

Is it possible to turn off the “It’s not ready yet!” audio in a macro?

It’s an option in the Game options called “Error speech”. Uncheck the box and you won’t hear your character repeating those phrases anymore. You will still see the text though.

It seems like an option that everyone turns off. Not sure why Blizz opted for it to be a default.


Yeah I would like to disable the text as well.

Surprisingly, that requires an addon to do on a global level. I think ElvUI (not sure, heard through the grapevine as I don’t use ElvUI) provides that option as included functionality and there are a couple of dedicated addons available from CurseForge, just search on “error”

I do use ElvUI. I will have too look into whether this is an option.

/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

Awesome thanks!

A few things to keep in mind
1- You’d have to run this command every time you log in, or create a mini addon to do it automatically for you. You can also bind it to a macro
2- UIErrorsFrame also contains yellow messages, such as quest progress, etc. Hiding errors also hides those messages
3- If it’s just to remove the error message of a specific spell/macro, there’s a way to hide and re-enable inside a macro, so that the error message is disabled only for that macro. If it’s for every single error message, then your best bet is to just hide the frame like initially suggested

How do you do that?