Turn Discipline back into a shield spec

That is why they need to fix it. Bring back the old Discipline.

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Too. Much. Bait.

Can’t do everything well (although Holy priest does this entire patch). It’s going to have to be give and take. Direct heals could be a bit bigger, but the problem would be that players who really know how to play the spec will become OP. Disc is an aggressive damage dealing healer when played properly, and that’s only way it works well.

Most specs do everthing well though? Unless you mean that it’s super strong in everthing?

Overtuning kinda does that for any spec though
 but otherwise I wouldn’t say that what would improve disc would be direct healing.

Disc has 1 ‘weakness’ in my book:

It has troubles sustaining constant or very long damage events. So fights like hakar where group takes a constant beating can be challenging.

People often blame it on disc not being reactive enough but disc now is the best it has been this whole expansion in that regard. And DF looks to be similar.

Sure we’re loosing boon, but I feel we’ll be gaining enough to compensate for it (healing wise).

As to what would be ‘required’ for disc to become the meta
 For raids, it has a niche where it shines, as soon as encounters enables it to shine, it becomes the meta
 for m+, just need to be doing enough damage tbh. And for pvp, depends what DF will offer, but I feel maybe a bit more cc and mana wouldn’t hurt (although both might be too much) disc hasnt been bad in pvp in a long time, just that holy has been good recently is mostly the ‘problem’ right now.

Yea, I mean Holy has been great at everything except preventing damage.

Yea i was drunk last night,. Back on the gym bandwagon today and i couldnt help myself biting yesterday

Although they are meta in arena and m+, I don’t feel it’s that strong in raid. It’s good for sure, but raid healing is all about what your group needs, and hpriest is a good Jack of all trades right now in raid, without begin the best at anything.

Throughput wise they are outclassed by druid/monk, and even disc has catched up after RWF in that front.

Cooldown-wise, hpriest is ok, but nothing to bring that is mandatory imo.

Dps-wise, nothing special tbh

What makes holy shines right now is it’s easy pick off heals, and constant througput. That might be what your group needs and that’s fine. And there is def a good place for it in current tier.

For m+, really the only defining factor is its dps a bit ahead of the pack. That’s mostly it imho.

Pvp, I admit they have a great toolkit atm :slight_smile:

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as far as hps metrics holy and disc are about the same for raid. in a more rot heavy fight and depending on healing team make up its good to have a priest that can flex both to meet the raids needs.

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