Tuning posted

Why are you assuming that I play ret warrior

Affliction buffs. Very cool.

we don’t like ua lock buffs

I’m not. I mean in general. You responded to the warrior part of my post which tells me you saw yourself in that, so a part of you knows it’s true otw you’d not respond.

We? Who is this we?

fake news buddy

The non edp population of the playerbase

 I think you just answered your own question

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Wrong, ret war players are my brothers

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please enlighten me Jvilla-area52!

Please someone tells Devs that ret is trash in pvp. Stop tunning classes based only in pve data.

Ret is more than fine. Can get well above 2.4 without ever using bop.

Ret is in a slightly less disgusting state then fury. Both trailing BM for the ape crown.

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I know exactly why you said this too. I witnessed it with my own eyes. But yea. These changes are beyond bizarre.

Season was done for many many weeks ago.

Queing into rival fury warriors doing 1mm dps mashing rampage. They somehow magically climbed 400 rating beyond anything they’ve been in the past five years. It’s a complete joke.

All I read was “unholy buffs”.
See y’all back in the pit :muscle:

Don’t buff Boomy damage. Just make us survive 2% better plz.


If anything, I think you could nerf dream burst damage, but PLEASE buff survivability.


Glistening Fur should buff Thick Hide, and Protective Growth should buff Natural Recovery by 2%. A Passive start is a safe start. Then add some shield leeching to the Elune capstone. Ez.

I think a solid start would be making rejuv castable in moonkin form and apply forestwalk.


That’d be quite nice!