Tuning posted

Deep breath does nothing for damage its all about eruptions and the embers nerf frankly is not enough to stop the 2.5m eruptions that I hit from casting deep breath+ my hard casts

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But bleedy rogues dont need more damage. :angry:

Did it need buffs is the question. I feel like fury was in a very good spot, didn’t really need anything extra. It can die, if it isnt playing with an hpal it can be kited occasionally, but it can also easily kill when it connects. I’m not sure why it would need a buff unless you think the mountain thane change doesn’t do much. I dont think it needed nerfs at all though. I know they seem to be buffing hero trees that are not being used, but if that is also a buff to the spec then not sure that is a good thing.

I am a little annoyed with no bm nerfs though. How does this spec do as much or more damage than other ranged/casters while being the most mobile, having all instant cc, all instant damage, can do damage to people behind LoS, has aoe purge on a 10 second cd, has good survivability and has an MS. What exactly is this spec bad at

I mean if fury is fine, bm is fine too bro. Both played above 2.2 the exact same, so it’s fine.

yeah exactly, this tuning was mainly targetting under played hero talents. Thane didn’t need a buff really, the best “buff” would’ve just been more melee cleaves. Slayer is just so much better designed for PvP
it’s ok if one hero talent is a little subpar or niche

only 2 high rated players in the thread (nas the boomy and bubblebudd) have commented on fury at the moment and buddys comment in particular loosely translated as “fury isn’t OP into good players (read, above 2400 in 3s currently), but its “OP” into bad/unorganized players” prob just wanted to be nice and not offend the ~3-4 hardstuck 2k warlocks in here crying about it

Fury is pretty gross into a lot of specs tbh esp for how easy to play it is


you could replace fury in this sentence with at least 4 other specs

how do they fix fury then? Cause when it doesn’t do enough damage nobody plays it as we literally have just seen about over a month ago

Yea well gut fury arms should be the meta spec not fury xd


Nas stop saying the right things.

Every boomy is OP and there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop a boomy from winning the game.

TLDR; Just kill the boomy and the boomy cant kill you. We don’t have defensives.

Also I’m very surprised they buffed my EC build by a very large amount. Makes more wizard boomy comps viable.

u broadcasted about me in shadowlands long after i stopped being relevant, thats when i realized its easy to live rent free in your head

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u were never relevant u were just friends with relevant people like tuna, that’s the only reason any1 knew of u btw. all ik is people u know say ur weird asl :rofl:

that supposed 2 mean anything 2 me when you and a lot of the ppl in this scene are cliqued up with some real life predators? I don’t care ab networking further cuz I already met the ppl ifw on here :muscle:

Tell us more about this.

Don’t bother, these people will never admit when they get outplayed they’ll just whine for nerfs or balme spec balance.

Same goons will also tell you Ret/War is peak skill play. Which

Prove that it isn’t

Highest skill floor performance aside from BM Hunter, as stated by the devs because players need easy classes to start on, in PvP or PvE.

No awc titles because you can’t pair two low expression classes against two high expression classes at that level and expect to win.

Lastly no other two classes rely as much on tuning which is why you see warriors crying when they aren’t head and shoulders above everything else the best option overall, not just melee.

Stay mad.

Prove that ret war is low skill expression

All the whine when they get outplayed. We done.

failure to prove low skill expression

You not wanting to admit that isn’t a failure on my part, but it gives some good insight as to way so many ret/war players are hot garbage in arena.