Tuning posted

Tsg is so back cringe dress wearers get down


I think double incarn is the only dumb thing about boomie rn, apart from that feels solid. Incarns scary, you can kinda carry the game etc. I’d say it’s in a good spot. Meanwhile feral players trinket first global, big wall/skin insta etc. Never die till atleast 30% damp.

Idk man these changes are so so bad. Was expecting more than just bolt damage too, heck should’ve buffed icin, conflag and a lil sburn buff instead of bolt damage. Maybe even portals a bit or something.

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This might push dh over the edge. I wish they’d buff assa


I was like, please make ignore pain more than an auto attack


Anyway how many 10% damage buffs for DH are we away from S3/4 DF? We gotta be getting there soon, they’ve have a lot of those.

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people who call for fury nerfs at this time are completely terrible players

arguably one of the most balanced melee at the moment with super clear cut strengths/weaknesses that you can take advantage of or punish if you are coordinated with your team

fury has the shortest stuns ever, very little cc, and is way less tankier than arms and effectively less utility than arms due to pvp talent choices

calling for fury nerfs when rogue/feral exist in their current state is just completely fried


Fury hands typed this post.


Not all rogue specs are good. Outlaw is nutty, assa is okay unless they’re the kill target, sub is immortal with a clunky one shot with blades


Wrong. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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yeah they did, because I play the game everyday and don’t quit/fotm reroll. Fury as nerfed massively at the start of TWW and it completely died on the ladder along with arms.

It got a couple small buffs since then and became playable. If it gets any form of damage nerfs it will literally go back to the dead/unplayed state as it was.

Fury has high pressure, literally its only niche at this point, and said pressure has actual counterplay to it. shouldnt be nerfing fury because 1800 rated solo shuffle warlocks dont know how to use their kit against it


Completely fried opinion. You must be one of the 2100 rated fury warriors leaping behind pillars

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Not wrong, disarm a rogue in blades and watch him go try to back stab you to death until his cds are up


Fury needs nerfing, you are fried.

Check stats on EU and NA for 3’s. Fury has gone past feral and bm in 3’s above 2.2 and EU is meta slaves sooooooo.


how about we ask actual high rated players who post here and see what they say?

@Remi @Bubblebuddy

edit: just want to be clear, fury is good but in no way does it need nerfs

You’re coping so hard its amazing

Are you by any chance a season high rn fury warr?

freshly buffed thane fury lf qs


boomy is already triple S+tier if you play with a rogue. Just regular S without one.

exactly what destro needed. Chaos bolt wasnt threatening enough.


I agree, most of other classes instants hit for cb damage.

The billion micro ccs makes CB hard to
Even cast without faking a kick

mind sharing your thoughts on fury? is it brokenly OP as these 500+ games played 2k rated warlock players claim?

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