Tuning Pass for S4?

Has anyone heard any rumbles regarding tuning pass for S4? Wondering if VDH will stay pretty much the same or if I should hedge bets and get another tank ready.

LOL, I’m doing the opposite and getting my VDH ready in case my other tanks aren’t worth anything due to no tuning.

no known class tuning next season so far

lol my vdh just passed up my pally and bdk in score tonight. would be an ideal time to put out some PTR nerfs to confirm that i wasted my time!

Only changes are for SoD… looks like you’re safe.

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Honestly, they could reduce VDH damage by 10-15% without ruining their viability. Double utility sigils is pretty strong and is a big reason why VDH is meta.

Vdh isn’t a healer. It seems you will avoid the nerf hammer as our overlords have identified healers as the only sort in need of tuning for the greater good. Carry on

I never expected Illuminated Sigils to go live and won’t be surprised when it gets nerfed. I am enjoying it while it lasts, don’t get me wrong, but most of us figure it eventually gets nerfed. Looks like a small nerf to damage (Fiery Demise) is already in the works for TWW. And in fairness, the high DPS build for VDH does require sacrificing some tankiness.

VDH doesn’t need to do a lot of damage. VDH allows the DPS players to do more damage since it can tank and lock down way bigger pulls. If you take that into account, VDH does the most damage by a mile