Tuning March 25

Pwave still sucks.

Makes 4 piece slightly better, as it buffed the builders, not the spenders.

Probably 4% increase in ST.

Surprised no decrease in AE to compensate for buffs.

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I’m so angry that they buffed new prim wave. No one cares about its damage. It’s a sh***y button We want the old playstyle back.



Instead of 0.3% of your damage, it will do 1.5%

Thats AmAzIng now


This is Blizzard saying Ele Shaman’s are God’s children and he left us in a hot car on a summer day on purpose.

Don’t forget the tasty extra flat 9 Maelstrom. Yummy :slight_smile:


Not going to address the set bonus bugs at all? Typical Blizz. Why spend time fixing a problem that will go away in S3 with a new set bonus.

Listen, I hear you. This is just a small knobs turning fix with raw numbers. Anything major would have to wait until .5 patch.

It could be worse, you could play DK…

These changes won’t amount to much. The PW damage is ok, but the biggest problem with PW is FS management so it’s still a headache. The extra 9 maelstrom equals (9*4=36) over a 2 minute Solo Shuffle round so 1/2 and Earth Shock. The other damage increases are ok but won’t be enough to make it worth playing.

Blizz just fails to recognize that they have made Ele in PvP unplayable with the PW change. Extra damage won’t solve the issue.

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Seems that PW is a AOE replacement for elemental blast every 30s for m+, it would be nice if it procs echoes talent on use.

New set bonus designed around Pwave…Watch and see! :joy::rofl: