Tuning for next week

Oh, I see.

and to put it into perspective, Each one of those dots he dispelled was just about 1 second of either GCD or casting, not including juking, fears, amped curses, or porting/gating.

So about 30 or so seconds in a 4 minute game was me just trying to get my dots out, which only hit like 8-15k each since I am never able to ramp them up with raptures, or if i soul swap, he could ground, or insta cleanse the target and I lose what I inhaled…

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Poor Supatease has to stop Diablo 4 to make yet another tier list for all the meta chasers to follow.

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it already is too dangerous, the issue comes down to how easy it is to shutdown casters and how they lack instant ways to apply UA. along with being much squishier than the other specs with 0 threatening presence when targeted, they have just not kept up with the power creep.

they can buff UA dispel all they want, but unless it literally 1 shots this only increases their viability vs other casters, who lack stops, but does nothing to deter melee comps.


yeah this.

Aff struggles because we have 1… 2. schools of magic. Have no actual “burst” with our S1 tier set gone so we dont have 80-100k raptures anymore, we just have about 30k.

We can spread our dots all we want, but have nothing to follow anything up with. People will remove them one way or another, or your own team will do it with CC. no instant stuns, no havoc coils, no MS, no tankiness from pet, 2 stuns, or being able to sit there and get kicked on fire and shadow and still hurl 150k bolts at people.

we are pigeonholed into 2 specific pvp talents leaving only 1 open when other specs can get 2 if they want.

It is just throwing dots, maintaining them, hoping to be able to spam rapture for dread touch if you play it, but it requires 4-5 seconds of casting and only lasts like 8 seconds.

our one ability that does direct damage is channeled and acts like an execute, but once again, shadow. main school. get kicked, locked out of literally everything for 3-6 seconds.

The design is just really bad and it is suffering in a meta as quick as this when everyone is back to having everything.

They technically buffed the 4 bottom specs when they nerfed the top 2.

This is what they’ve been doing all expansion. It’s a roller coaster of buffs and nerfs.

can’t comment when dancing in the streets lmao

technically correct is the best kind of correct

Resto druid feels pretty strong with tier and all the extra mastery gear that you can get because of craftable PvP gear, so I think MW and disc nerfs, regardless of whether they’re warranted, are not going to help holy paladins because resto druids will be the ones crushing them instead

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lul they just nerfing my overheal anyway harharhar.

they have to balance aaround rss. ppl cry super loud about rss. the nerfs seem proper and i don’t see anything wrong with any of it.

How come? 5% to rejuv and lifebloom healing and 25% to regrowths HoT? then 7% increased healing for 6 sec on our swiftmend targets. Tbh it doesn’t really seem that insane. Pre nerf it was good but now idk. I hope you are right though lol

Crafted gear lets you get mastery in every single slot

That’s like a 5% overall base hps increase it’s pretty insane

I hope I’m wrong!

Custom crafted gear certainly opens the doors to some crazy amounts of mastery. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Yeah I got 19.71% mastery on blacksimba, its pretty nice lmao. 400k NS regrowths 180k swiftmends. It’s crazy sometimes. 260k Nourish’s. Still feel like rdruid has some issues with how many globals it takes to do things.

Weight is the other interesting thing as most crafted gear is 50/50 instead of pvp gear which has more vers, so you can make stuff like a 50/50 ring, a second 50/50 ring then a torc for 50/50 on neck.

Engi can also whip up 100% of any secondary bracers.


this is what i am doing on my one shot ele…

stacking so much crit and crafted lets me get pieces that normally arent obtainable. I am able to lose some vers but gain like 650 crit in return on the engineer helm as well. Same with the bracers. 480 crit in pvp.