Tuning for next week

You get an aimed shot, you get an aimed shot, everyone gets an aimed shot. Instant Death trueshot aura incoming.


HP nerfs dont matter we already die fast.

I’m already slamming 67k scorch executes. 10% more is a welcome addition!

I’m more worried about MM. I already got slapped for a 240k aimshot into 175k killshot other day.

Are most enhance players even playing that one shot build?

Faced you in 2s the other day where you peaked 150k dps. Was scary.

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I think the highest I capped out at was 175k vs demo/unholy when I combusted on their go and killed most of pets.

Highest screenshot I have was like 104k burst single target and cleaving combust on a ret and destro


250k sniper shot on my lock partner last week, followed up by 180k aimed shot. Not sure buffing damage that much is the play.


Yeah my partner was so confused on how a single ignite dot almost soloed him in the opener.

Yea its miserable as cloth vs MM.

Playing MM into like double melee is awful though. I tried to pick it up this season and 0-6 first lobby into war/dk/ret.

Noped out fast.

MM needs a really good rework. Its toxic to deal with as cloth especially mage and it feels useless vs plate melee especially warriors/dks

You can’t even exist in same game as a warrior if your a MM and warr knows how to play. They have so many ways to sit them and between the constant stormbolt/disarms and the damage you take its roough since you gotta hardcast damage.

I feel sorry for them cus they get dumpstered 99% of the time but then the 1% of time they are in a mage lobby they are like



also idk why blizz keeps trying to buff aff. it’ll never be viable without reworks. spec perpetually dead in arena.

270k dispel penalty might do it, double aff is its best comp this week afaik just cuz it actually makes ua undispellable

rdruids will rule the lands come mid-end season

remember these words


Why do they keep trying to bring Arms back into relevance when there are like 8 other meele specs that are bad. Let people have a break from Arms Warrior for 1 season. Stop buffing it. It can be not S tier for 1 season and the world isn’t going to end.

oh great a whirling dragon punch increase in damage by 80%.

good thing 0 players run it.

how about you rework my talents, slaves

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They make their dispel protection actually do something, maybe. Too easy to purge them down

I really wish I could be a fly on the wall when it comes to Blizzard’s internal discussions of DK design and balance.

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That only affects skilled warlocks who can recognize incoming burst damage.

Are they trying to make dispelling aff dots too dangerous?

So healers are just supposed to heal through the dot damage and not dispel? And if they do dispel their teammates, they get punished with a rofl backlash one shot?

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They’re trying to make healers think about dispelling instead of mindlessly pressing it off CD. Its currently the easiest spec in the game to shutdown because of dispels and the absurd number of other classes that can remove dots.

If you mindlessly dispel, wouldn’t you be unable to dispel CCs/roots on your teammates?

You’d also be silenced 50% of the time.

yes, but for instance in 2s, you spam dispel, I do no where near as much damage, its a win win and you save mana from having to heal.

I have this little thing right here for you to look at over the course of a 4 min match.


This rsham had. 36. yes 3.6. purges. I never got any damage ramped on him or his warrior. He was 50% mana and my hpal was oom.

Never brought them below 40% until he dispelled one of my UAs and ended up at like 20% one time.

Well that’s not surprising