Tuning Adjustments - March 22

Today, with hotfixes that are all now live, we’ve made the following adjustments to offensive and utility abilities in Plunderstorm:

  • Fire Whirl damage reduced by 20%.
    • Developers’ notes: we want to reign in Fire Whirl’s damage a bit more, so that it’s close to the performance of other offensive spells.
  • Faeform now provides a 50% damage reduction for the first 1 second you’re in Faeform (was 90%).
    • Developers’ notes: Faeform offered too much defense without providing for counterplay.
  • Rime Arrow cooldown increased at higher ranks, and now has a cooldown of 10/8.5/7/5.5 seconds (was 10/8/6/4 seconds).
    • Developers’ notes: Rime Arrow’s short cooldown made it a too-low-risk poke, often used to deny healing and chase fleeing targets. Increasing the cooldown at higher ranks will give targets more chances to act against Rime Arrow.

We’ll have all of the above, along with more updates to Plunderstorm in our next hotfixes update.


Now if only we could do more orders within a match.
(As well as a daily order buff)


No renown changes for people still going at it.



neat fire whirl already was bad after movement nerf with damage nerf basically useless to pick up lol other changes arnt bad


Please massively buff plunder.


impatiently waiting for another renown xp buff


I want more Plunder give me more plunder


Yall know whats funny? This proves a whole mess of people are just trolling. People were like “whirl isnt op”. Seems Blizzard thought so.

Question is, is it really in line with the other offensive spells in practice.

Also, why was this not playtested? A quick playtest using all of the abilities would have shown Whirl as a huge outlier.

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Even with the nerf Fire Whirl is still vastly better than all the other offensive abilities. Same thing with Fae Form because you can blink out of CCs or use it as a defensive against Fire Whirl. It’s better than Repel because it has a shorter cd and more usage. Being able to kite and get away from people is the only way to survive once people have better power ups.

The other offensive abilities need to be brought up. Slicing Winds and Toxic Smackerel are useless.


slicing winds is 1 of the best abilities in the game lol and theres like 6 spells u can use to make fire whirl do nothing

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Consider the following: increased renown rates.

The rates at which we progress through the rewards is NOT as fast as you had implied.


I’m assuming you’re thinking of Windstorm that stuns people. I’m talking about the useless charge up leap forward attack that does 33% less than Searing Axe. It’s a miserable starting ability.

It’s weak early but at epic it’s really strong and also works as mobility for crossing the map and increasing your farming efficiency. Whirl was strong in duos because you could typically force people’s cds easier with 2 people, in singles it was so easy to stop in the late game it was kinda laughable.

na i win most my games with slicing wind at max level its a short cd does good dam and can just spam it for movement speed

Could y’all just take all the cosmetics and introduce them to WoW already?

We all know you’re gonna turn them into future Trading Post rewards anyway

Doesn’t make the company look good to introduce WoW rewards to a side game that nobody asked for. Especially when S4 is just re-using S3 armor appearances. Also, WoW’s PvP is already hyper neglected in terms of cosmetic rewards.

I’ve kinda broken it down into 4 main builds.

Slicing + Another melee ability + Stormshield + Gap Closer

Rime + Orb / Storm Archon + Caltrops + Gap Closer

Firestorm + X + Quaking Leap + X

Void Bomb + X + Wind Stun + Chain

Then there’s a bit of rock paper scissors going on between each of them as they all have strengths and weaknesses.

it took until Wowhead exposed it for the rank 1 version having higher damage than nearly every single max rank ability in the mode.

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Traps are quite fun but stinks when you land somewhere terrible and only make it to 5 by top 10. Can’t do ANYTHING against 8-10s it feels like.

Enemy density on the right side of the map needs work as well as what i said above.

More renown. Untill you buff that, everything you do is just lip service.



Don’t listen to the haters they will be off these forums in 2 days and back to killing things that barely fight back.

Also would love to see changes where you aren’t punished as hard for taking early fights, no reason the guy who got al uckyy spawn near a bunch of elites should be 4 levels higher and auto win