Tsulong marked as tamable but cannot be tamed

I was in the place not even 10 minutes after the patch went live. I sincerely doubt it was a BG issue.

I was able to tame the one from shadow pan monastery by running it as a normal. Could not do it on Heroic.


Hmm. If I can actually get back into the game I might see how that goes.

same here, can’t tame.

I can tame him in PTR,but not live servers…sad

Thank you for your reports. Forwarding this to the team for investigation.


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

ya just got this one,same skin looks still good for me. Thanks for the info

I had this issue too. :frowning:
The shadowpan monastery is the same skin? I’ll get him for now then.

Yeah, once I finally manage to log back in I will give that another go, and make sure it’s on normal difficulty this time. I don’t know if it was the first time I tried, so…

Edit: Normal Shado Pan Monastery allowed me to tame the Azure Serpent. Not the ideal scenario but it works for now. Hopefully Tsulong will get fixed asap.

before my characters vanished my hunter was able to tame tsulong but not milau down in the old vale so random and weird

Same here, went in on Heroic, unable to tame. Ran out and tried on Normal and still couldn’t tame.

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Same here unable to tame. It pretty much doom my hype for the pre-patch, oh well.

i went in to terrace on 25 heroic, unable to tame tsulong. i’ve seen your replies saying doing it on normal worked, but i can’t change to normal because im locked to heroic each time i try to change it and go back in. giving up on tsulong until next week. went in to shadowpan monastary on normal, and was able to tame azure cloud serpent. looks pretty much the same as tsulong. this is also me having bought and learned the cloud serpent training book on an alliance druid different server than my horde hunter. hopefully this helps someone.

I saw another Alliance hunter with the Celestial Black Serpent tamed and I believe he got it from the quest boss from Shado Pan quest line. Apparently the bosses aren’t tamable even though they say they are.

It was a normal dungeon so I don’t know if it applies to raids as well. Guess we’ll find out when the next reset comes around unless this issue is fixed by then.

Okay. Just went into Terrace on 10m NORMAL and was able to tame Tsulong. NOT able to tame on 25m HEROIC. So the Normal vs Heroic has something to do with it.

Also, interesting to note, when taming Elegon, I was unable to get out of the instance and had to hearth. On Terrace, after taming Tsulong, he respawned for me to kill and finish off the instance. (if you wanted to anyway)


Same here! I was able to tame it on normal. Elegon taming breaks the fight and I cant reset it. Guess it will be 2 weeks to get two Elegons.

Oh, well that’s good to know at least. I’m pretty much SOL until reset unless LFR works. That is a difficulty I haven’t tried.

Edit: Just tried to tame LFR Tsulong. That is a bust.

You can tame 2 Elegons if you run LFR and normal MSV. Not sure if heroic works, I played it safe and ran it on 25 normal. But I got my 2.

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After learning the Tome I as of right now can not tame any cloud serpents, everytime I try it says that the creature is not tameable