TSG questions/advice needed

Hey guys, it looks like the comp I’m going to be playing in 3s for the time being is TSG. Right now, we are playing unholy, fury, disc. I don’t know a whole lot about the comp, and most recent videos seem to be of turbo and ret/warr, so I’m not sure if watching older stuff could be helpful.

Could anyone tell me kind of what the game plan is and what I should be doing as the warrior here?

Cleaves with a dk do not work whatsoever


Respec frost for free rank one

Yea frost tsg prob is fine

If your dk is like my friend and would rather not play at all than to go frost, I’d say just the usual cliche stuff like time your ccs/cds, communicate and practice. Above all just have fun, we must remind ourselves it is a game after all.



Haven’t asked about this one, I think that’s just what he played most up til now but I could see if he wants to swap. He’s alting DK for me so I can practice doing 3s since he mains a lock :dracthyr_uwu:

you didn’t ask for this area of advice but is there a reason you’re not just playing WLX

TBH that was what I initially asked my friend about, but then I found a disc priest who was the first person with a similar mindset to the both of us. Our healer was concerned that playing that comp with a priest was a bad idea due to shared DRs, and I don’t have enough knowledge to know whether or not it can still be done.

My friend already offered to play an alt just so we could do 3s at that point, so that’s more what I was focusing on. I don’t think our healer really plays other classes much either

ah gotcha. whatever keeps the peace

disc tsg is pretty quintessentially a timer comp. your margin for wasting cooldowns is going to be very low. it’s probably worth putting a lot of your collective focus on getting offensive value from whatever you’re doing, since you’ll be spending the resources of health and mana every second of the game with mid selfhealing, no allied dispel, no offhealing and poor kiting.

for the warrior seat specifically, don’t let what the dk’s doing in terms of kiting/utility stop you from churning out the most pressure you can every gcd. dk playing scared between goes is normal, unholy afaik is basically a terrible enhance right now, but most healers are going to notice if their dps are allowing a fury warrior to connect, and dk even at max range can make that a lot easier with grip and chains.