TSG Arena Comp

How is it supposed to be played? For the most part I feel my group plays it wrong. Is it supposed to kill healer for the most part all the time? I need help & tips

Whatever has to cast something on the enemy team, run at it.

I could be wrong, but I would think you guys pretty much pick the weakest target, or the target you both can and should have the most uptime/pressure on.

Grips probably used to interrupt important casts, offensively or defensive, peeling, and if you guys have enough pressure or aren’t scared, or heck just if you want to, grip the healer in then and stun/go them. Anytime a healer is within range for you and your partner to not have to commit something like charge/leap or grip just to connect to them, you can probably hit them and force them defensive. Especially against something like Rdruid, MW, or Hpal, if you guys are having to use stun, grip, charge, leap, etc just to connect, that leaves them things like vortex/wild charge/sprint, port, or freedom/steed to most likely get away. Making sure you have those kinds of tools to counter mobility is going to be key for any goes you guys have on a healer.

Imo, you guys want to be connecting and pressuring above all else, whether that be on a DPS so the healer has to stand there and heal and not be doing things like going for a restealth, crossing the map to HoJ/rep your healer, clone, etc or swapping to a healer so their team is peeling, not pressuring. Healers should feel like their partners could die or they can. If they’re sitting comfortable, I think you guys are losing, but you can’t have the mentality the only way to pressure a healer is to train them.


I played turbo pretty heavily back in the day and it is literally the same concept as tsg. You just connect to literally whatever you can until they pop defensives then swiap, and doesn’t hurt to cc them in that window. Swap to whatever is closest and get dmg out. Go back to original target once defensives they popped fall off. It is just a train game tbh. Throw out off cc’s, interupts, and line when needing to top off.

Healer is usually the target but if you’re having a hard time maintaining uptime/pressure, switch to whatever you can both connect on.

The point is just do as much damage as possible, and you do that by smashing whatever you can both get ahold of easily. For example if the enemy team is WMD, druids and mages are a PITA to stick to, but if the enemy warrior wants to do anything, he’s gonna have to get into the thick of the fight between you and your DK, and he doesn’t have many options to get away from both of you. So it should be relatively easy to just crush him unless the druid and mage are really on top of their CCs and the druid pumps heals.

Just remember uptime is your best offense as TSG.

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rdruid tsg is really really strong right now

you can kill pretty much anything
you want to pick the least mobile / squishiest / has high value cast targets and very rarely get off of them or let them recover

you’re going to want to just leap fear the healer when you can charge back in, at this point you’ll wanna use things like abomb/frenzy warbreaker ect
you’ll wanna sharpen when fear ends otherwise you’re literally just waisting the MS effect

you can grip as a kick or stop for anything important and you’ll ideally want coordinate with your druid and get a free bash on the healer when you grip him in so your druid doesnt have to cross the map to get cc
you also get high value cleave and you’ll want your druid to vortex off the bash
you can do this pmuch every minute and you’re likely to pull an enemy trinket from this allowing your next fear to sit full which is huge

(can do similar things with mw, grip in for double sweep and incap once the healer gets out of the cleave)

some meta comps atm
wwdk - you can kill either, a good windwalker will get eaten by a tsg quicker than a bad dk but dont swap too often and let things like ams/karma come back if you get them and you should be able to kill either

destro/sp - destro takes less damage than sp but lock wall is significantly longer than fade/disperse and stopping every single bolt is huge value
LoS during infernals

rmpala - if you dont have an rdruid you have to play really defensively, if your war chases the mage out to far you’ll most likely lose
you can often sit on the pillar and train the rogue doing anything you can to make it challenging for the mage/hpal to get line on you
if you have a mw and you know they’re going mw play disarm/duel/banner (with conflict) or banner disarm with vision of perfection most likely

warriors also take incredible damage even through dstance and dont have a ton of tools to get away so def value in just smashing warriors