Trying to skip introductory covenant quests on alts

And the first 2 short paragraphs apparently.

You did an edit in there, I have no idea what you edited but it was done in the last hour. My first question when I read what you posted was what skip and given the GM responses I believe they weren’t aware of what you were trying to skip either.

Who knows. From my understanding however,

You can click the edit pencil and see what was added. All of the skip information was present before the edits, you just didn’t make it. :wink:

Actually I can’t do that. You might be able to but we can’t now.

Well, that’s unfortunate. But I assure you, it was there before the edits. Now I’m going to stop talking about this since it’s off topic. You can feel free to get the last word in if you want though.

I checked through the list of hotfixes for the expansion, but didn’t find any hotfix that would allow you to skip doing your covenant intro. This was the only relevant hotfix I found:

  • Players who are eligible for Threads of Fate but choose to replay the narrative campaign now retain the option to visit Fatescribe Roh-Tahl and skip the remainder of the campaign after reaching level 60.

I know the Night Fae covenant intro is a long one, as a fellow Night Fae person. :smile: No way to skip it, sadly.

Thanks for your reply,

  • Players who are eligible for Threads of Fate but choose to replay the narrative campaign now retain the option to visit Fatescribe Roh-Tahl and skip the remainder of the campaign after reaching level 60.

I could be mistaken, but I believe this was for alt characters, once they hit 60, couldn’t do Threads of Fate anymore, making it so alts had to complete the entirety of Revendreth. This is why I chose Threads of Fate at 59 because I was aware of this bug.

However, who knows, maybe this also fixed the skip. I’m too scared at this point to find out though, lol.

I’m sorry you’re having so much difficulty, and I think at least some of it comes from extraneous information and words both in your post and in your tickets. Sometimes short and sweet is better (I struggle with this a lot too, so I’m not judging).

Anyway, for what it’s worth: my main character did the story of course, then chose her covenent. My alt leveled through the story as well - I decided against Threads of Fate. She chose the Night Fae, and I was given the dialogue choice of “I know my way around the sanctum.” I didn’t choose it, however.

So, it’s 1) definitely not related to Threads of Fate since I’ve never leveled that way and 2) not something that Night Fae is excluded from, because I was given the choice. These are my only 2 characters that I have leveled to 60 so far, so it’s all the information I have.

If you do petition again (although, at this point, I’m not sure I would bother) I would leave out Threads of Fate altogether and be as succint as possible: On my DK, I was given the dialogue option _________ in the Necrolord campain. On this character, who chose Night Fae, I was not given that option, although others have. Is this a bug?" Alternatively, you could just submit it as a possible bug, since I’m not sure a GM’s job is to determine that. I know it’s a murky area of what constitutes a “game hint” sometimes.

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Perhaps you can only skip the intro for a particular covenant once you have completed that particular covenants intro on another character.


This is correct. But this only means that you do not have to finish the storyline through Revendreth to pick your Covenant. Once you pick your Covenant, you still need to do all the things to unlock your reservoir, soulbinds, the maw, etc.

I know this is a bit old but I wanted to put in my experience having now gotten three toons through to their covenants. My main leveled as normal and picked Night Fae, this was straight forward and nothing was skipped.

My second toon was my DH, she chose the vampires (can’t be bothered to try and spell the actual covenant name)… I used Threads of Fate with her and as soon as she reached level 60 she got the quest to report to her covenant. Right after turning in that quest she was given a follow up to “tour the covenant” there was a dialog about “knowing this already and not needing to do it” I didn’t click it and was given a bunch of quests to show where everything was.

My third toon was my Warlock and she picked Necrolords, also doing Threads of Fate, also getting the quest at 60 to go to her covenant. She was also given dialog to skip the tour quests, I actually skipped them on her and was given the quest to start collecting Anima and the covenant callings quests.

That was my experience, is that not what happened with your’s?

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I haven’t chosen Threads of Fate on any characters yet. I was just giving a possible reason why the OP might be having their issue.

The Night Fae sanctum skip is offered immediately after gaining soulshape via “The Boon of Shapes” and is offerered at the same time as “Show. Don’t Tell”. The skip lets you immediately pick your first soulbind.

I had the option on my second Night Fae character. Threads of Fate never used.

I’m unclear on why you aren’t seeing it, but it does exists in the live game.

it looks like you cannot skip night fae until second time through on night fae possibly because it awards mount during intro where others are later in

i did get the skip finally it was after the play completed and during audience with queen… you just have to go WAY farther through the intro to skip it than you do with others at least on the first time through it on night fae - the play may not be required on alts


I looked and looked for the Night Fae skip. I’m already at Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan. No skip. It never showed up for me. I opened up a ticket and got a generic “GMs are too busy to help with this ticket” response. I guess I just have to do Venari’s quests again? To be clear, I’ve already done it on one character and already skipped on another.

Venari has nothing to do with your covenant and the skip. The skip is only when you are touring the covenant base. For Night Fae it is after you meet the Queen, for the other covenants it is earlier. If you are on the Venari quests you have already gone past the point where you would get the skip option.

Um, yes. That’s what I’m saying. There was no skip for me. Now I’m too far into the intro questline.

Edit: I’m just going to finish the stupid questline again. I just wanted to post that the skip never showed up for me after the play. My only options were to continue the questline.

For the Night Fae, the skip comes after the play right after you get your covenant mount.

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