Trying to pick a main for shadowlands

That is not the same thing as saying “only healers can bres” though, is it?

Without engi bres, groups are going to be looking for druid healers only. It severely limits choice for poeple who want to heal on any class that isn’t a druid. That was the meta before engi bres was added in 8.1, and was literally the reason it was added.

You made the idiotic statement again lol. I can tell you don’t know why people use resto Druids or holy Paladins.

Blood DK, looks to be the top tank. Can brez.

Warlocks look strong, can brez.

DPS DKs can brez.

DPS and Tank Druids can brez.

We NEED resto Druids? Get real dude. Shroud is a bigger problem. 3 classes bring lust, 3 bring brez. You only care about brez because you heal. Be objective if possible.

And FYI BDK and Disc were the most common comp in season 1 BFA for at least a while.

I guess that I and literally every top M+ player in the world who has said the exact same thing about bres are all idiots then.

Honestly, I did alot of thinking. I first decided that I should go a pure DPS, as if one of the specs is nerfed into the ground I’ll have at least two more to try to work with. I won’t have the option for getting into groups easily, like I would with a class that has options for other roles, but at least I will get to focus in on getting good at the role and utility I’ll be available for. I have almost a decade of content that I would like to catch up on, so not being able to get into groups quickly, at least lets me do other things; find that silver lining. Not interested in Mage and I don’t really fancy two out of three of the Warlock specs , so I think I’m going to be rolling with Rogue as it feels nostalgic since that was my first class back in classic , it still plays well, and the fact that it has utility that no other class offers is a big bonus. It’s a shame I won’t be able to be amazing in multiple roles, but being able to show myself as reliable no matter the circumstances in one role is a boon.

Resto druids are ridiculously strong in SL even if they suddenly had brez removed. Literally every worthwhile M+ player on the beta has stated this in words and/or videos. Like I said earlier, it’s going to be BFA season 3 again in terms of healer disparity, or worse.

This new consumable brez doesn’t change the 99%+ certainty that resto druids will dominate everything in M+ by a wide margin.

I’m convinced that playing the most OP class/spec or only forming groups with the most OP class/spec is something that only the best and worst players have to do. There are very few “best” players.

Druids healers certainly aren’t mandatory unless you are in one of those groups (best/worst players).

Priest is getting mind soothe. If that plays out where they can perform rogue skips, surely that will bring them well forward in the utility list. Would only be good if you don’t have a rogue. Also mass dispell and bursting, situational but good.