Trying to get SL Mogs is Miserable

And for like the first half of SL we had to get 200,000 anima at a rate of like 1k a week lol.

With that said, threads of fate should be available now for anyone regardless of whether they’ve done the campaign. Like who cares?


If you think the like three hour campaign is bad, wait until you see anima costs for any Covenant items.

It’s an MMO, chief. There’s quests to go through and grinds to do. If you want the items badly enough, then do it. Otherwise, move on to something easier :dracthyr_shrug:


Good lord, yes I remember! Luckily ZM provided a good source for anima but wasn’t opened up til the end of the expansion.

Funnily enough, I played the whole expansion and never opened all my covenant features fully on any toon.


You’re wrong. It’s not available. Blizzard even has a ‘help’ article saying as much.

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Read it again, he’s saying it should be.


There’s a doo dad you can buy from the vendor beside the flight master to give you 60 renown.

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No idea why you’re arguing semantics. It’s not available. There’s massive confusion about Threads of Fate. I spent hours yesterday trying to get to the bottom of it only to find it’s essentially bugged if it offers it to you if you haven’t done the campaign, will revert to Campaign, and Blizzard has a help / faq article updated a week ago saying it’s not supposed to be available to everyone.

Please read my original post. I never played Shadowlands. I’m not talking about rep catch up tokens for people who did SL.

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Broker Mark of Distinction

… dude

He knows that. I know that. Everyone knows that.

He was saying that is not the way that it should be. He was saying that it would be better if it were available.


I know it’s not available.

I’m saying it should be available and Blizzard removing it was dumb.


Honestly getting renown will be the fastest part

Have fun with anima/offerings/covenant specific grinds


Thought you were able to buy this straight up… sorry, that sucks.


The only mog from SL that I think is truly asinine to farm now are the sets from Korthia. That’s a currency grind on top of a rep grind on top of a rep not-so-grind-but-still.

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I had to check the date of this thread.

I thought you could just buy the thingy that boost you to 60 then getting to 80 should be a breeze.

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Got it, my bad for misunderstanding.

Everything I learn about SL makes me more and more jokerfied.

Not if you never played Shadowlands / are new or returning.


I did too, you have to have the ‘Renowned’ achievement for it to be purchasable…


Ohhh I didn’t know since I kind of/sort of played SL.


I’ve managed to get quite a few of the campaign sets, but other than that it’s too much work even for an old expansion to get anything else. Also the back transmogs are completely pointless because they’re all renown locked on alts for some reason despite all the other transmogs and sets not being.


Lord knows I’m not going back to get any of that stuff ever again. Just put it all on vendors for anima, no restrictions, and let people farm Zereth Mortis for anima and be done with it.


Funny, I never really felt that in SL. I ran 4 toons, one for each covenant. Apparently you can readily switch convenants once you cap one.

But like others have said I think you just have to suck it up and run one toon through. Once one toon is done, I think the rest flow pretty quickly.

Yea, there’s a bunch of RP, and navigating Revendreth is a bit of a nightmare. Not sure how fast you can get flying now in SL. It’s most certainly worth pursuing.

I’m the odd duck. I had my issue with SL, as others did, but I have fond memories of it. I LOVE the Maw, that place people hate hate hate. Getting my little pink butt kicked in Perdition Hold when we were badly geared (using Fear for CC in Perdition Hold with all those packed elites was…exciting in a “do or die” “here goes nothing” “who needs stygia anyway” sort of way. Korthia and ZM weren’t dreadful as end zones. I enjoyed Torghast, even Twisting Corridors.

I love what they did in Revendreth, I just hated getting lost in it. I picked the Blue People, they had the prettiest clothes. (Piddy is all about fashion, even tho she’s wearing these awful drop gear right now.)

But in the end, what you’re talking about is a problem with all of the recent expansions. The need to gain a lot of rep or renown or whatever. Gather a lot of stuff, gain power over TIME. Played organically, all this stuff just flows throughout the expansion. Hitting it fresh you’re confronted with this wall that everyone else did incrementally over months and months, whereas newcomers typically just want the shiny and go heads down after some thing, and it’s a steep climb.

As they say, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

I’m doing the Firelands staff quest, and I’m looking at least another 6 weeks of boring boss bonking as I gather mats for it.