I’ve been trying to get into RP for a little bit now, but I feel completely lost. I have no idea where I should start, and I’m hoping to find a RP guild to hang out with.
Does anyone know where I should start, or where I should try looking?
Cathedral District, it is on this priest, yes? Most RP of that sort is going to be in SWs cathedral district or in similar places like the Exodar for Draenei, Northshire Abbey, etc.
Hangout there for about a week and eventually one of the 20 something Holy Light guilds’ll swing around to recruit there eventually. (To clarify I mean SW’s Cathedral Square, not sure if anybody is gonna show up to recruit anybody at the Exodar, look for banners and like 3 or 4 folks from the same guild standing around)
If you’ve got a character you like and want to RP as, start walking up to other players and getting some interactions going. It also helps to put “looking for RP guild PST” in your profile so people know you’re open to those. Generally they won’t mention it as it can be perceived as rude. Making connections can be done in and out of a guild mind you!
First of all, if you want to RP, you need to make sure to have the common roleplay addons.
Total Roleplay 3 will let you create a character profile and see other people’s profiles. Without having it, people will assume you’re just a regular player in a roleplay realm.
Emote Splitter, or Unlimited Chat Message, will both get you the ability to type past the 255 character chat limit.
Listener will give you the ability to focus on one or a few people to only receive their emotes in a separate window to make it easier to keep a conversation.
If you would like to eventually roleplay with Horde, neutral players on Horde side, or those on Wyrmrest Accord, Cross RP will give you the opportunity to see their profiles as well. To RP cross faction, in the Dalaran Sewers (Legion Dal) there’s a goblin that sells a potion that lets you talk cross-faction for an hour.