I tried to go to their guild portal pages but I just get virus warnings and can never actually accesss them. I am on the rp classic servers and am looking for people on both of these guilds. Hoping to see Gentyl, or Hrook or maybe Ghosthorn and Ehwnee. If these guilds, or players, exist on bloodsail, the only pure rp server, please let me know so I can get in touch with you.
Guild Portal went defunct some time ago. I took a rather long hiatus to finish a book and then revise it, so Pia pretty much went defunct also. Faithe and some of my other characters are still in it, but it is essentially dead. Gentyl and a few other characters I moved to Manus Ignota, a guild I’ve respected since forever.
I haven’t seen Dr. Hrook in forever. I’ve been lured to Grob in Classic. Let’s see how that works. I know Bonnie, Clyde, Ehlina, Fallenrose, and several others are on Bloodsail.
It’s really good to see you. I may make a character there, we’ll see.
Thanks so much for thinking of me.
Gen’s player.
And Chalimar is Gen. Duh, still a klutz.
Sadly I thought as much whenever Wynia logged on and no one was ever there. I was hoping older friends might have been lured back. I wanted to get my priestess in with people I actually knew, not some fly by nights who probably won’t be here long.
I’m not sure who all is headed that way from Da Docta’s, but I (Dokarg/Hoaraith) am in the process of trying to rebuild Da Doctas there on Bloodsail Buccaneer server. Holding a clinic this saturday at 6:00pm PST, and hoping to see some of the old guard show up.
I might be able to swing over, provided I get leveled up enough in time.
If you need send me a message and I’ll provide escort, if you want. I was a trained Protecta after all.
Hey I know these names.