Trying to choose a main for DragonFlight and beyond

I’m leaning the most toward Hunter, Rogue, or Warrior. I like the role-playing fantasy of not being reliant upon or tied down to any particular cosmic force (light, void, death, etc).

I don’t want to choose based on current or projected numerical performance, because those are always subject to change. So most of what I’m currently looking at is utility and mechanics.

Here are some of my commentary on each. I’d love to hear yours as well.



Feign death, pet tank, and traps make it possible and convenient to do nearly any solo content. Not a ton of self-sustain mechanics designed into the class, but that isn’t as necessary due to the pet tanking for you.

I also enjoy having options to passively increase my movement speed. Movement speed makes a huge difference for me on the general feel of playing the game.


My favorite part of the spec is harpoon with resets. The reset triggers even if you didn’t get the killing blow, just if you made a hostile action against a target that eventually dies. I really wish Warriors had a similar talent option for charge.

Throwing bombs is a fun way to AoE (and is even useful in single target), but feels sluggish in prolonged fights when it’s off cooldown. Using Butchery instead of Carve might make chasing bomb resets more interesting.


I love and hate Aimed Shot. My issues with it could be fixed if it were changed to an “Empowerment” ability like many of the Evoker’s breath attacks. Aimed Shot’s existence makes it relatively as difficult to deal with as any other caster, needing to “stutter move” to avoid mechanics while getting “casts off”.

The AoE rotation is interesting, but it’s frustrating that you can’t keep it up for very long before needing to spend some cycles replenishing focus (there’s currently no way to AoE and build focus at the same time, that I’m aware of).

Being able to dismiss the pet in group content is a nice bonus too.


Perhaps the most mechanically superior spec in the game (only one that has total freedom of movement while DPSing from range). However, I find its rotations to be incredibly boring with occasional forced moments of “hurry up and wait” while your focus regenerates and you’re unable to do much of anything.



Rogue stealth play has a huge draw for me. Sure, Feral Druids can “stealth” too, but it has none of the intricacies available to Rogues. Pick Pocket, Sap, Distract… all great stuff. The survivability options available to rogues in Dragonflight are also getting a significant upgrades and all of their talent trees look really promising and fun to theory-craft with.

My biggest gripe is that Slice and Dice shouldn’t be a maintenance finisher. It’s not fun to upkeep something like this that is so integral to the Rogue’s performance.

Lots of mobility options available too, which is a huge plus.


I want to like this spec more, but the cooldown complexities make it feel like its more effort than it’s worth, though the new talent trees should allow me to simplify the overall complexity of the play-style if desired. The AoE rotation would likely be pretty smooth though.


The double poisons talent option is really intriguing, and debuffing enemies sounds like a lot of fun (and less of a hassle than doing it on a warlock). I’m usually not a fan of tab-target damage-over-time rotations in melee (one of the reasons Feral Druid feels so miserable to me), but there are options to steamline AoE a bit more (fan of knives would be fun to work with too).


Of all the rogue specs, I enjoy this one the most. The game-play approach feels much more straight-forward than the other two rogue specs, and Grappling Hook is a blast for getting around when flying isn’t available.

While the forced RNG nature of “Roll the Bones” isn’t my favorite, it’s workable and does introduce unexpected variety into the damage rotation. However, I don’t enjoy that Roll the Bones is another maintenance ability on top of Slice and Dice.


I have the least experience with Warrior of the three, but I really enjoy the heavily “grounded” feel of the class (aside from the Legion class order hall stuff, that was a bit odd for me). The game-play loops are generally satisfying for the damage-oriented specs, and the transmog options feel great (currently sporting something like this for a Kul-Tiran Warrior:

I’m eagerly waiting to see how their initial Dragonflight talent trees are going to look.
Biggest downside for me is the lack of mobility compared to Hunters and Rogues. Not having a meaningful base speed increase option available is a pretty big letdown for me.


The only non-DPS option between Rogues, Hunters, and Warriors. The play-style is currently very limited (rotation can be shorted down to roughly 3 buttons outside of cooldowns), but having the option to do something other than DPS on occasion could be nice.

We’ll see if it gets more intriguing with the release of the Dragonflight talent trees.


I love the heavy-hitting nature of the spec. Pooling rage and spamming execute (either on a low-health boss or tab-target sniping low health mobs) is a blast. I wish the AoE options were much better outside of Bladestorm cooldowns though. I’d love for it’s Whirlwind to work similar to Fury’s and all of its associated mechanics.


What fun. The spec is designed to let you effectively forget about your resource and just play. There’s always a button to press and the playstyle just feels super active and engaging.


sub rogue on top

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What do you mean?

sub rogue best class/spec in the game

I’m willing to believe that, but why is that the case?

just is bro

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I appreciate your deeply enlightening and highly educational feedback.

Thank you bro.

Anyone else have thoughts?


you’re welcome

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main: so I already have a bal druid , frost mage , destro warlock , and a bm hunter… they all have there funs sides, but, in dragonflight, im going to main an elemental shaman…(god help me).
we will see how it goes those trees whoa… (will try to make a fire/lightining shaman) if there is such a thing based on teh trees I saw.

I’ve looked at Shaman off and on myself. There’s potential to build something pretty fun there.

For elemental, there seems to be a “focus on lightning” OR “focus on fire”, with not a ton of wiggle room to get the best of both.

If I had to choose between the two though, emphasizing Chain Lightning and Earthquake would probably be the route I go for building an Elemental Shaman. Chain Lightning Spam is one of the funnest AoE experiences in the game (in my opinion).


I didn’t see anywhere in the post about what content you would be doing, does that matter at all? Because obviously those classes are better off in certain areas of the game than others.

Like for m+ if the seasonal affix doesn’t have any type of invis with it then rogue damn near will always have a spot just cause of shroud and not to mention their insane amounts of stops they can do on a mob.

Hunter has a lot of good utility also in the form of binding, ice trap, FD, turtle, camo, lust.

Warrior probably has the least amount of group wide utility of the 3 for keys but it can be a tank so there’s that, every run needs a tank. But, battle shout, rally, intervene, spell reflect are also good things to have, just a little less so than the rogue and hunter utility

All great choices, and I really agree with the choice of a non-magic archetype class when exploring the Dragon Isles.

I will be maining a warrior for DF. Here are my personal reasons behind choosing the warrior.

-Nothing looks more badass than dual wielding 2 handers… Nothing.
-Warrior transmog potential is better than any class, due to being able to wield almost every weapon in game. Plate sets are also a personal fave. (Paladin wins for class specific plate armor though).
-SPEED. I actually find my warrior to be incredibly fast when adding engineering into the mix (Nitro boost). Heroic leap (Bounding strike +70% movement speed 3 secs, and already gives you a massive distance), Charge (x2 with Double Time), War Machine Talent (30% speed after killing a target for 8 secs). You can also pick a race that has a movement racial like DI Dwarf, Worgen, HM Tauren.
-Fury is probably the most exhilarating dps spec, fast and hard hitting.
-Arms put big numbers on screen. Make me feel strong.
-Prot spec. Not the most exciting of the tanks, but fits the sword and board fantasy of a classic knight.
-Can solo content pretty well.
-Generally pretty competitive in pvp/pve, if that matters to you.


I just wish they never fixed the bug with the mawsteel greatsword that caused it to sheath at the hip. Having dual hipsheathed greatswords was actually cool because it let me use back slot items that hid back sheathed weapons, while still showing my weapons

How much did they clip through the ground though? I can imagine that might look pretty odd when using massive long swords.

they actually didn’t clip the ground, surprisingly. I don’t have the screenshot i took anymore so heres this random one from reddit


Roy what did you end up making?

DI Dwarf has a movement racial? That’s news to me lol

Rogue and hunter can be fun even when they are undertuned. Warrior has unfortunately been in a spot for a long time where if it’s not crushing damage then it’s just not got a lot else going for it.