So i took a break from 20th on dreamscythe because the mob respawn rates and sloggy leveling detered me. I must say SoD although its no where near as populated , its super fun! Just an honest question, is it possible to do pug stuff in SoD or is it for the most part just AQ now ?
Uhm yes it’s possible but pugging in general is a terrible experience in any version of WoW except in era where you can join GDKP runs.
The pug player base is truly awful. They don’t come prepared, they don’t enchant their gear, they don’t learn the encounters. They all just want to be carried. If you have too many pugs you will spend more of your time running back to your corpse than actually playing the game.
As far as leveling, there are always groups going except for maybe at 1 in the morning
There a lot guilds (including mine) that can’t fill the people and recruit pugs.
So, most of pugs are guild runs + Pug.
Sadly like Warrosan said, it’s true that a lot of guilds are having trouble filling previous phase raids (even AQ temple) and you will likely join those guild/pug mix runs unless you chance upon a person trying to do a fully pug raid. The travel/holiday season in the USA this month hasn’t helped. I’m hoping things get better by January but we’ll see. I hope AQ temple can be nerfed enough to keep enough casuals around to continue to play or if twins continues to be a wall for them like back in classic.
SoD earlier days were definitely a blast, but since the phase 3 disaster and playerbase drop off and not getting much of people returning since phase 4 and 5 started, it’s just in an awkward state right now from what I’ve experienced in these last few weeks. The guild I was in had three progression teams since MC days, but now we’re down to one team and I need to find other guilds to pug with so I can keep gearing my alts or make a decision to leave them behind I’ve already seen a couple of other guilds have to merge together due to low rosters.
Keep at it though if you’re having fun and like I said, hopefully once we’re past the travel/holiday season, there will be more people around again.
There is always people trying to pug stuff and so its super fast to gear on a fresh 60. If you can get into a guild and you are not ready for aq likely they will carry you through bwl and other raids.
Make sure you’re on one of the two “mega servers.” The PvP one is crusader strike.
Im on wild growth
its VERY tough to get a lvl 60 dungeon group together. (here on crusader strike.) let alone a pre level 60 dungeon so that will be rough im guessing.
Your going to be spending alot of time in trade chat looking for groups more than likely.
Just get an LFG bulletin addon. Set your filter to the dungeon you want and set chat/sound notification. Within 10-15minutes you’ll most likely be notified of a group doing the dungeon you want
Forsaken is a nice progression guild with good temperament and patience. As for pugs there is lots of activity. I wouldnt worry about it. Enjoy the exp and ignore the medicated doomers. I myself came from Era and SoD is way for active per server. Enjoy.
I thought they added LFG tool built in with latest patch and dual spec ?
Guys look, we found Elron again!
Ill look out for that guild and ask for an invite thanks for the heads up.