Trust Lvl 3? What am I missing?

summary tab on your ‘view your activity’ page

you’re at 16.8k posts read currently

Awesome. I learned something new today.

This is all confusing. I think I’m level 2? That’s enough for me. The requirements for level 3 seem pretty ridiculous. I’d rather just play the game. And I might not be able to get level 3 anyway since my account saw some um… moderation like a decade ago.

No you can still get rank 3, unless you were on a suspension while we carried over to the new forums or after we migrated. I was suspended on the old forums as well but I am level 3. All ya need to do now is read little less then 8k posts, just scroll through the 10k high elf post really fast it’ll take like 5 mins haha.

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This actually came up yesterday in another thread, person faction changed and lost trust levels. Eventually a blue responded and seems they got their levels back.

So I would say drop a ticket if you do change till they make a better way of handling it.

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Delete for reasons of insanity

Wait…it’s real?! :scream_cat:

I honestly thought you were trolling, what have I been missing out on??

I’m just trying to figure out how to post a gif

Hey, you are trust level 3 grats! :blush:

You just need the url

You can use a site like

Then find a gif you like, view it and copy its link

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What the heck is a trust level?

Doesnt show it tho lol

That works? I was doubting if I could do that because eventually it starts skipping posts cause im scrolling to fast.

As in it just shows the url?

Seems to be working for me, you definitely seem to be trust level 3 so not sure why it wouldn’t work for you

Try using that ^

It’s the cat gif above :kissing_cat:

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Thanks for the heads up. I’ll mess with it later today. Gotta get to work lol

No worries, hope you manage to get it working!

when in doubt… look for a high elves thread or flying thread lol

Check back in a day. It isn’t applied to your account immediately.

Oh joy, they’ve gamified forum partitipation.
“This is awesome”, he says, with a sardonic air.

(I kid, it’s fine, but how long until some bright young person figures out how to break this system?)

I’m level 3 now. I checked last night.

Cool stuff. Congratulations! Enjoy your meme privileges!