Trust Levels suck

I just made myself a big hamburger. It was delicious. Beef, egg, onion, lettuce, tomato, beetroot, mayo, mustard.


Not really relevant to the topic, just sharing. Sort of FYI I suppose.

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Speak for yourself. I didn’t partake in the cheat-o-rama. Mine came legitimately. The only reason I bothered with it though was so my tech support posts could be made without being gimped by the link block from the first two trust levels.

I would rather not, the last thing I want is to come to a thread and find it filled with “rick roll” animated clips and then wait for the admins to slap you down. Some things have to be earned, like trust.

You can do it


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Trust level!? Wait, we have trust levels?!

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Apparently not because you’re hung up on an opinion.

I trust you.

But no you cant eat me

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I always have. I like it here, they have :cookie::cookie::cookie:'s. (But not cake, and if anyone ever tells you differently, that’s a lie.)

props up box with stick

ties string to stick

puts :cake: under box

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What? you don’t like rep grinding on the forums?


Kicks over box

Smashes the liar cake

Digs trench and fills it with putrid rotting meat

I whistle while I work

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… I worked hard on that cake.

I worked harder on the trench. It takes me twice as long to reach the bottom, even though I’m thisclose to the ground.

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Fair point. That is an achievement.


This pretty much removes any incentive to “behave” if you know you’ll never be able to make up for past misdeeds. What a terrible system.


Actually, I heard that Alliance can get trust level 3 automatically for keeping WM on for a full week, even after collecting rewards…

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Actually, the only real thing that I would change is for the trust to be account-wide, and not per character. Otherwise it seems like a good system!

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It’s really a crime Chibi doesn’t have your trust, bliz. Give it to her!

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