Trust Level: Very Confusing!

Oh ty ty. I’ll save that instruction!

My giant armory box could be a siggy tho. Used to show all that right around your avatar. That’s enough info for others.

Do you have to maintain each condition or do you get each one checked off when you achieve it?

For example, I check in every other day for 100 days, but have only read 450 topics. I take a break, then a week later I finish the other requirements. Do I still need to get back to 50 days in the last 100?

Trust Level 1 is absurdly easy to reach, and you are likely there already.

Trust Level 2 is literally impossible to reach until these forums have been live for 100 days, as that is the metric used to measure minimal activity levels to qualify.

The system is essentially invisible. There is a work-around that allows you to inspect the .json file where your status is tracked, which you can find poking around other threads.

Short version, go to your profile page, and tack .json onto your character name in the URL bar. The highest trust level (use CTRL+F to search) shown is your active one.

You need to meet all qualifications at the same time, or will drop back to the prior level, I’d imagine.

Trust Level 2 will be available in a week (after 15 days).

Trust Level 3 will be available after 50 days.


Nope, it’s because you’ve met the requirements to achieve trust level 1.

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I have the save thoughts. Being able to read them to pass free time and post very rarely is fine for me.

Systems inside of systems inside of systems…

Its systems all the way down!

I got banned for a few weeks several years ago so I think I can only ever get trust lvl 2. Not really sure how that part of it works. I feel like everyone that posts regularly enough to get level 3 has probably been banned at some point though.


A two year necro… You are a terrible person.


Honestly Im not sure how that happened. It popped up on the first page for me so I commented.

Sorry everybody! :joy:

Hahaha! Was getting ready to say, oh look who’s back lol. I’m probably the only one who misses op, and his slap in the face threads :rofl:

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No, no. The 1st thing I thought was is this the Real Raistlen or an imposter?


You can get back to lvl 3 but it just takes a little time. I’ve had a few forum vacations for being an idiot and I’ve werked my way back to lvl 3 clearance again.

You can do it! :wink:

gating the forums is silly

Oh, I thought this was about venereal disease in the maw.

I got so excited to laugh at this dudes post again but just a old thread sad times

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“You don’t trust anybody? Do you, James?”…M. “No.”…James Bond. “Casino Royale” by Ian Fleming.